Association CHS Alliance
room 16 voie creuse
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Ensuring a more accountable response


Published on IATI
  • date_range Mar 15, 2023 - Aug 15, 2023
  • autorenew Finalisation (Status)

To support the operational post-earthquake response in Türkiye in delivering aid that meets quality and accountability standards in line with the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS). To this end, the project will i) strengthen capacity of existing members, local and national actors that are new to humanitarian response, and the broader operation in awareness and application of the CHS; ii) support strong advocacy on accountability to affected communities and people; and iii) support for coordinated efforts and advocacy on protection from sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment (PSEAH).


Participating Organisations

Danish Refugee Council International NGO Funding


Transaction Value Provider
Type Date
2,517 GBP Association CHS Alliance Receiver N/A Expenditure
date_range Sep 05, 2023
45,867 GBP Association CHS Alliance Receiver N/A Expenditure
date_range Aug 31, 2023
8,044 GBP Association CHS Alliance Receiver N/A Expenditure
date_range Jul 31, 2023
5,191 GBP Association CHS Alliance Receiver N/A Expenditure
date_range Jun 30, 2023
6,455 GBP Association CHS Alliance Receiver N/A Expenditure
date_range May 31, 2023
1,709 GBP Association CHS Alliance Receiver N/A Expenditure
date_range Apr 30, 2023
50,142 GBP H2H through Danish Refugee Council Association CHS Alliance Incoming Funds
date_range Apr 20, 2023
1,565 GBP Association CHS Alliance Receiver N/A Expenditure
date_range Mar 31, 2023


91,583 USD
  • 71,632 GBP (Valued at Sep 05, 2023)
    date_range Mar 15, 2023 - Sep 05, 2023
access_time Updated on Sep 20, 2023 16:11:43