Innovations For Poverty Action
room 655 15th Street NW Suite 800
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Evidence to Impact in Education Renewal

IATI Identifier: US-EIN-061660068-EDT-22-10002

Published on IATI
  • date_range Apr 01, 2022
  • autorenew Implementation (Status)

In Rwanda, IPA’s work under the WWH pilot will contribute to our shared goal of building a cultureof evidence-based decision making within the Rwanda Ministry of Education (MINEDUC). We willcontinue investing in the Ministry's data architecture, building partnerships that will leveragecollaborations with Rwandan and international researchers, building policy-analytic capacitywithin MINEDUC, and supporting MINEDUC to create iterative feedback loops between policydesign, evaluation, and adaptation In Kenya, under the WWH pilot, IPA will continue to catalyze the institutionalization of data and evidence-based policymakingwithin the education ecosystem. IPA will continue collaborating withpartners to support the MoE’s establishment of the Evidence Hub, share relevant existing evidenceto inform decision-making, and facilitate cross-country learning exchanges. Ultimately, we hope thatthese activities will lead to the institutionalization of evidence-based decision making with educationpolicymakers, especially targeting education reforms aimed at improving foundational learning leve

  • Government and civil society statistics and data

Participating Organisations

Education Development Trust International NGO Funding


Transaction Value Provider
Type Date
89,307 USD Provider N/A Receiver N/A Incoming Funds
date_range Nov 23, 2022
63,381 USD Provider N/A Receiver N/A Incoming Funds
date_range Sep 02, 2022


506,503 USD
  • 506,503 USD (Valued at Apr 01, 2022)
    date_range Apr 01, 2022 - Mar 31, 2023
access_time Updated on Apr 29, 2023 01:19:11