Deutsche Welthungerhilfe
room Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 1, 53173 Bonn
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Emergency WASH and Cash Distribution, Nobili

IATI Identifier:

Published on IATI
  • date_range May 03, 2019 - Jul 30, 2019
  • autorenew Closed (Status)

The proposed project is focusing on two main pillars of immediate relief activities: WASH and Multipurpose Cash Transfer 1. WASH 1.1. Water Supply: the project will ensure sufficient supply of drinking water, as this has been stated as one of the priorities by the local crisis committee, including representative of the displaced families. To achieve this objective, WHH will deploy its water pumping and purification system from Goma and run it for at least 4 weeks. The system will be installed at the nearby river and provide 45m³-60m³ of water per day and will be running within 14 days. Considering the daily need at this stage at 10ltr (average, according to SPHERE standard) per person/day, the system can supply water for 4.500 - 6.000 people per day. Further, the project will repair two water catchments sites with 15 water points in total (to be repaired within 1 week), and additional 11 emergency water points with water purification will be established at places not connected to the public system and too far from the river. With these 3 layers of water supply, we aim to cover the immediate needs of the displaced population and host communities in need for 1 month. 1.2. Sanitation facilities The project aims to install emergency latrines and/or extend existing latrines and sanitation facilities in the public spaces where people are seeking shelter. 15 sites will be identified in close cooperation with the local crisis committee. Installation will be supported with workforce by people living on the compounds. The emergency latrines & handwashing stands will bring first relief and an improvement of the sanitation situation for 1,000 HH. 2 WASH Experts will be transferred from WHH Bunia to Nobili to implement the WASH component. These experts will be supported by locals, hired by WHH to support the response. 2. Multipurpose Cash Transfer WHH will use its experience in unconditional cash transfers to provide one time distribution of 35 USD per HH for up to 6.300 registered IDP households in Nobili town. Markets show full functionality and supplies can be purchased from Uganda. The multipurpose cash transfer has been decided, as the displaced families have different priorities and mainly lack the purchasing power to buy goods of their choice in the market. With the slightly reduced amount of 35 USD it is possible to reach all 6.300 displaced families. WHH will contract a local financial service provider, potentially a bank already contracted for another project, to distribute the cash to the beneficiaries. Market Monitoring (availability and prices) and a Post-Distribution Monitoring is planned. 1 Cash-Expert will be transferred from WHH Beni to Nobili to oversee the distribution. Community Mobiliser will support the registration and distribution. In summary, the planned activities will cover water supply for for 1 month, improve sanitation/hygiene situation for 1,000 HH and distribute 35 USD/household for 6.300 Households.

  • Emergency food assistance

  • Material relief assistance and services

  • Immediate post-emergency reconstruction and rehabilitation

  • Basic sanitation

Participating Organisations

Start Network International NGO Funding
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe International NGO Accountable


Transaction Value Provider
Type Date


336,028 USD
  • 256,557 GBP (Valued at May 06, 2019)
    date_range Jun 16, 2019 - Jul 30, 2019
access_time Updated on Jun 08, 2020 10:20:45