Emergency Aid Typhoon Lionrock
Integrated humanitarian assistance and disaster preparedness populations affected drought, cyclone in Somaliland
Pakistan 2022 Floods Response Relief and Early Recovery
BRACED X: Changing farming practices in Burkina Faso, an extension of BRACED
Mitigate the worst effects of water scarcity and hunger in Sub-Saharan Africa
Routes-based Migration Response Programme
Emergency WASH and Cash Distribution, Nobili
FbA - Early Action in Madagascar
Humanitarian Assistance to Vulnerable Countries Affected by the Covid-19 pandemic in Tajikistan
Immediate humanitarian assistance to most vulnerable Syrian refugees - comprehensive, multi-sectoral programming
Building Disaster Resilience in Pakistan (CAWI Resilience Programme)
Building resilience to climate extremes, improving household food security and income in Burkina Faso
START - Emergency WASH response in Budiriro and Glenview/Harare
HIF - Feasibility assessment of MCs and reusable pads as menstrual innovation in humanitarian programming
Support to Waste Management Sector of Bo City
Strengthening the preparedness of local communities/authorities for natural disasters, esp. flooding in the Zeravshan valley/Tajikistan in summer 2017
Linking small holder farmers to markets in Midlands Province
International Multi-Disciplinary Development Programme Environment & Climate Change
A Cash for Work Initiative in support of the introduction and adoption of Zaï practises, complementeci by Cash Transfers for households “in crisis“ during the lean season
START Thsolotsho Flood Response
Building Disaster Resilience in Pakistan (BDRP) ‐ ‘Community Based Disaster Risk Management’ Component – Phase 2
Linking small holder farmers to markets - Phase 2
User centred Sanitation Design
SPIRAL: Building Sustainable Partnerships for the Implementation of Responsible Investments in Agricultural Land
Alpha Phase Child Growth Monitor
Improved food security and livelihoods for conflict affected IDPs through hydroponic production
Improved Waste Management in Bo, Makeni and Kenema
Flood Response Project in Madagascar
Emergency response to flood affected IDPs
Emergency live-saving Multi-Sectoral Response for drought affected communities in Ethiopia
Start Fund - Emergency Response to affected population in Niger
Start Network, Strengthen and support to DRF system in Pakistan
Linking small holder farmers to markets
Child Growth Monitor - GSMA component
Emergency support for women and girls affected by war and survivors of Gender Based Violence in Ethiopia
Improving living conditions of highly vulnerable, conflict-affected communities in priority return areas in Ninewa
Emergency preparedness and Response to households affected by disaster in Unity State
Emergency response to food and nutrition security crisis in five provinces in Afghanistan
Localized Multi-Hazard Anticipatory Action Facility Pakistan
Start Fund - Emergency Response to affected population in Niger
FbA - Forecast-based Humanitarian Action for Food Security
Humanitarian Assistance to Vulnerable Countries Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic
Humanitarian Assistance to Vulnerable Countries Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic - Iraq
ToGETHER - Towards Greater Effectiveness and Timeliness in Humanitarian Emergency Response (Localisation Programme)
Humanitarian Assistance to Vulnerable Countries Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic - Afghanistan
Food Security through voucher and in-kind assistance for drought affected communities in Afghanistan
Improved access to Sanitation, Drinking water and Shelter for IDPs and returnees in Afghanistan
Implementation of the National Policy on Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Afghanistan
Addressing the humanitarian needs of IDPs affected by the conflicts in Myanmar
Emergency assistance to improve food and nutrition security of people affected by crisis
Emergency assistance (incl. cash transfers) for agro-pastoral host communities, refugees, IDPs and returnees
Humanitarian Assistance to Vulnerable Countries Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic
Mitigate the worst effects of water scarcity and hunger in Sub-Saharan Africa
Mitigate the worst effects of water scarcity and hunger in Sub-Saharan Africa
Humanitarian Assistance to Vulnerable Countries Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic
Multisectoral Humanitarian Assistance to crisis-affected populations in Eastern DRC
Assistance d'urgence aux populations vulnérables affectées par la crise humanitaire dans la région Sahel
Assistance d urgence aux populations vulnérables (Réfugiés, Retournés, Déplacés Internes, communauté hôtes) affectées
Waste Reform -
Rubbish Causes Disease: Municipal Waste Collection
Renforcement de la survie des populations les plus pauvres et prévention contre l'Ebola au Nord de Burundi
Mitigate the worst effects of water scarcity and hunger in Sub-Saharan Africa
Mitigate the worst effects of water scarcity and hunger in Sub-Saharan Africa
WASH response to tropical storm Ana in Zimbabwe
Mitigate the worst effects of water scarcity and hunger in Sub-Saharan Africa
Mitigate the worst effects of water scarcity and hunger in Sub-Saharan Africa
Projet de réponse précoce lié aux effets néfaste de l'inondation au Madagascar
Projet de réponse précoce lié aux effets néfaste de l'inondation au Madagascar
FbA - Early Action in Madagascar
CHANGE: Improving Access to Education in Ethiopia for Most Marginalized Girls
Emergency live-saving Multi-Sectoral Response for drought affected communities in Oromia Region of Ethiopia
Nahrungsmittelhilfe für syrische Bürgerkriegsopfer in Syrien
Existenzsichernde Hilfe für vulnerable syrische Geflüchtete im Südosten der Türkei
FbA - Forecast-based Humanitarian Action for Food Security
ToGETHER - Towards Greater Effectiveness and Timeliness in Humanitarian Emergency Response (Localisation Programme)
ToGETHER - Towards Greater Effectiveness and Timeliness in Humanitarian Emergency Response (Localisation Programme)
FbA - Forecast-based Humanitarian Action for Food Security
Humanitarian Assistance to Vulnerable Countries Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic
Emergency assistance multisectoral with cash benefits for vulnerable groups affected by the humanitarian crisis in Sahel
Rapid emergency response for the most vulnerable people in the context of COVID-19
FbA - Forecast-based Humanitarian Action for Food Security
WASH assistance for Rohingya Refugees and Host Communities in Bangladesh
Multi-sector humanitarian response in North Darfur and East Sudan
Verbesserung des Lebensstandards der von Konflikten betroffenen Menschen in Nordwestsyrien
Humanitarian Assistance to Vulnerable Countries Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic
Humanitarian Assistance to Vulnerable Countries Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic
Urgent support for vulnerable Syrian refugees in South East Turkey through protection, seasonal support and COVID-19 support