IATI Identifier:
Result 1 (focusing on strengthening local civil society by capacity building at the partner) The Vietnamese partner (Women Union) has efficiently taken key roles in capacity building and awareness raising activities with regard to CCA/DRR in communities and schools Result 2 (following ToC: focusing on empowerment of the rights holders): Children in primary and lower-secondary schools (6-15) in the project areas have increased their capacity in CCA/DRR to actively promote a safer environment in the communities and at schools. Result 3 (following ToC: focus on awareness raising/empowerment and capacity building among moral duty bearers): Parents and teachers have enhanced their knowledge and skills in disaster risks reduction and CCA/DRR at school and in the communities. Result 4 (following ToC: focusing on capacity building and advocacy among local authorities): Local authorities at provincial level have increased their capacity in community-based disaster risk reduction and enhanced networking and replication of safe school model in disaster prone communities
more_horizPrimary education
Environmental education/training
Name | Type | Role |
Belgian Development Cooperation | Government | Funding |
Plan International Belgium | National NGO | Funding |
Plan International Belgium | National NGO | Accountable |
Plan International Viet Nam | Partner Country based NGO | Implementing |
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Type | Date |
Not Available | Provider N/A Receiver N/A |
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Not Available | Provider N/A Receiver N/A |
Not Available | Provider N/A Receiver N/A |