IATI Identifier:
Since November 2016, generous support from EKN has enabled Yamaan to extend its voucher scheme to Dhamar, to ensure that poor and marginalized women and girls in this governorate can access affordable, high quality contraceptive and safe motherhood services of their choice. The first phase (under Marie Stopes) was implemented between 1 January 2017 and 30 June 2018; 32,963 vouchers were distributed, including 16,787 family planning (FP) vouchers and 16,176 SMH vouchers. Of all vouchers distributed, 73% (n= 24,191) were utilized by the end of June 2018, including 50% (n=8,353) of all FP vouchers and 98% (n=15,838) of all SMH vouchers. The vouchers distributed has contributed in 7,828 assisted deliveries and 23,967 antenatal appointments. The 2nd phase, directly implemented by Yamaan (activity # 4000000913) was from 1 November 2017 to 30 June 2019. The programme distributed 33,600 vouchers to women: 18,000 safe motherhood (SMH) vouchers, and 15,600 family planning (FP) vouchers. Of the distributed vouchers, 14,826 unique beneficiaries used SMH vouchers (82% of distributed) and 6,152 unique beneficiaries use FP vouchers (39% of distributed). The vouchers distributed has contributed to 11,267 assisted deliveries and 12,583 unique antenatal appointments in addition to 7,005 long-acting and permanent family planning services. Yamaan proposed to continue this successful programme for an additional one year in 2019, to enable us to catalyze on these successes. The new phase will see the programme to expand to an additional district (Doran) bringing the total number of target districts to five.
more_horizReproductive health care
Name | Type | Role |
Yamaan Foundation for Health and Social Development | National NGO | Implementing |
Netherlands - Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Government | Funding |
Transaction Value |
Receiver |
Type | Date |
Not Available | Provider N/A Receiver N/A |
Not Available | Provider N/A Receiver N/A |