UAE Green Growth Initiative
Colombia Green Growth Program 2017 -2019
Pacific Regional Project for Green Growth
Rwanda Climate Resilient Green Cities (1)
Accelerating Green Growth in Ethiopia - II
Lao PDR National and Subnational Planning, Financing and Budgeting for Green Growth
Identifying Synergies between Green Growth Actions Across National Strategies and Implementing Priority Options
Readiness Support to Enhance Green Growth Finance in the Areas of Green Growth Cities in Lao
E-waste collection and recycling in Udon Thani, Thailand (Santa Award #13)
Guyana Urban Sector Solar Energy Program (USSEP)
Climate Diplomacy
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Initiatives (REEEI)
Green growth governance - Long-term capacity-building to support climate change dev. Initiatives
Cambodia solid waste
Green City Capacity Development
Sustainable Industrial WW Sludge Management at the Ethiopian Industrial Parks
Introducing climate-smart irrigated wheat systems in the Ethiopian lowlands,
Technical support to prepare a solar auction in Lao PDR
Promoting Energy Efficiency and ESCO development in Mongolia
Sectoral Analysis for NDC Update 2020 - Agriculture and IPPU
Solar PV electricity for agricultural development
Readiness Support to strengthen Uganda’s engagement with the GCF
Support for accreditation of direct access entities,
pipeline development and private sector mobilization in Burkina Faso
Solar PV electricity for agricultural development
Climate Action Enhancement Package: Antigua and Barbuda
Global Program - Renewable Energy Auction
Creating Enabling Environment for Solar Based Irrigation Systems
Climate Action Enhancement Package 2020 #2
Low Emissions Climate Resilience Development in the Pacific
Climate Action Enhancement Package: Pacific
Supporting priority Renewable Energy investment projects in Guyana
Climate Action Enhancement Package: Indonesia
Redesign of the scrapping and renewal premium program for the vehicle fleet in Morocco
Climate Action Enhancement Package: Peru
Climate Action Enhancement Package: PNG
International Cooperation with Bahrain
Enabling Sustainable Rural Electrification Investment in Fiji
Low Emissions Energy Sector
Climate Change Bill implementation support (phases 1+2)
Climate Modeling for Lao PDR
Hungary-Balkan Regional Multi Donor Trust Fund
Capital Enhancement for Sustainable Development through the Environmental Bank Foundation (FUNBAM)
India - Green Growth through INDC
Indonesia Green Growth Program Phase II
Support for sustainable taxonomy and strategic green pipeline development at Ministry of Finance
Energy Sector Employment Assessment: Preparing for a clean energy future
Rwanda Greenpreneurs Network
Scaling Rooftop Solar in Senegal’s Public Buildings
LDC Leadership at Stocholm +50
Gender Just Transitions for Enhanced Ambitions
GCF Readiness, Burkina Faso NAP
ESCO Ecosystem Strengthening
Building Climate Compatible Development in the Caribbean Through Business and Investment Opps
Mid-Term and Terminal Evaluations of GCF and Adaptation Fund Projects
Pacific e-mobility
Supporting Renewable Energy Investment projects in Guyana
Scenarios Analysis for Implementing the European Green Deal and Green Recovery in Hungary
Power Sector Reform Project under Himacal Pradesh Power Sector Development Program
Scaling Up of Investments through ESCO Mechanism in MSME Clusters by deploying Standard Energy Efficient Technologies (SEET)
NDCP Indonesia G20 Sustainable Recovery Recommendations
Kindling Kiribati Livelihoods Development
Kyrgyz Republic - National Financing Vehicle
BioCNG Programme - Indonesia
Battery Swap System for Electric Two Wheelers
Scaling up building energy efficiency in Mongolia
Thematic bond technical assistance to finance Peru's green economic recovery
Provide expert support to Peru's government (MINAM) to help them finish its JDI Phase II roadmap
NDC Implementation Planning in Lao PDR
Water Sector Projects
Supporting the Implementation of the Green Growth Framework for Fiji - Phase 2
Co-development of the Circular Economy Strategy for the Metro Municipality of Lima
Identification and economic analysis of mitigation actions to accelerate Peruvian CM implementation
CRGG Training and Capacity Building for Climate Action
Green Investment Mobilization to Support Rwanda's Planned National Volcanoes Park Expansion
Project preparation to join Climate Technopreneurship Pogram
Supporting Green Growth Advancement in Zambia
Qatar Green Growth Pathway
Capacity Building and International Cooperation
KOICA Green ODA Project
GGGI-KDB Partnership for GCF Climate Technopreneurship Program
Mexico City L3 e-bus fleet renewal (ZEBRA Project)
Strengthening NDA Capacity on Project Evaluation and Development of Climate Finance Strategy to Enhance Papua New Guinea’s Access to Climate Finance
Climate Smart Agriculture and Sustainable Value Chains in Senegal
Strengthening Solid Waste and Fecal sludge Management Capacity of the GKMA (Phase 1)
Creation of a Transitional Climate Finance Unit (TCFU) and the COP26 Taskforceat at MoFPED
Green Rehabilitation Investment Project for Karakalpakstan Republic to address impacts of the Aral Sea Crisis
GCF Readiness Togo
Climate Adaptation Planning
MRV System Development
Circular Economy Promotion
Expansion of CO12 Accelerating development of new bioeconomy businesses
Scaling up rural electrification via capacity building to public and private actors - Phase 2
Support implementation of GIZ NAMA TTR Phase 1
Support to setup Super ESCO facility in Rwanda as a vehicle to promote energy efficiency
Mobilizing Climate Finance for Electric Public Transport in Rwanda and Increasing Market Access in the Kivu Belt Region
Vehicle Emissions Standards
Sustainable Urban cooling in Viet Nam Cities
ASEAN-Korean cooperation in Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management
Strengthening Sustainability of the Tea Industry in India, Sri Lanka and Nepal
MRV projects
Bataan 50MW Solar Farm Project
Green Investment Advisory and Support (GIAS)
Global and Regional Knowledge Sharing
Climate Resilient Green Growth Planning
Support for the Operationalization of the People's Survival Fund
Peru Implementation Phase of Peru´s National Eco-Efficiency Strategy
Mobilizing Finance for Green Energy Projects in Vanuatu
Unleashing the Potential of Uganda's Economy through Green Growth
Enhanced Policy for Increased Green Finance in Viet Nam
Readiness Support Program for Enhancing the Access to Green Finance in Mongolia
Scaling up Pro-poor Renewable Energy in Mozambique
Readiness Support for the Development of the Vanuatu National Green Energy Fund
Mongolia Transition to Green Development - Phase 2
Support for the transition from the Emission Standard Euro 4/IV to Euro 6/VI in Morocco
Guyana NDC progress and MRV
Rice-Husk-To-Power Leasing Finance Facility (RH2P)
Green Sanitation Services Program, Phase I
Building Climate-resilient coffee value chain with diversification of production – NUCAFE
Ethiopia GCF readiness: 'Building the Project/Program development, coordination and delivery capacity of the NIE and strengthening Ethiopia’s engagement with the GCF'
Thailand - Accelerating Implementation of Thailand's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)
Implementation of the Nationally Determined Contribution of Nepal
Global NFV
Electric and Sustainable Mobility
China-Japan-Korea (CJK) Green Growth Collaboration Program
Agreement between the Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea of the Republic of Italy and GGGI
BMZ GreenInvest Project
Advancing Thailand´s Access to GCF
Myanmar Kadonkani Mangrove
GGPA Project
Papua New Guinea Capacity Building on Climate Change Project Identification and Development
Green Growth Performance Measurement (GGPM)
Mexico Sonora Bond
China Global and Regional Knowledge Sharing
Kep Solar Development Project
China for Others
NGGP Action Planning
Supporting improved policy settings for renewable energy and energy efficient technology uptake in Papua New Guinea
Readiness and preparatory support to implement Green City Development Projects in Rwanda's Secondary Cities
Transitioning to Green Industrial Town: Case Study of AMATA
Global Program for Sustainable Landscape
LEDS for Tonga
Implementing the NDCs to Promote Low-Carbon Growth in Mozambique
National Air Quality Strategy - UAE
ITMO Generation through an Organic Waste to Energy program in Morocco
Private Engagement and Green Investment Mobilization
Eastern Caribbean Green Entrepreneurship Initiative
Development of the Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) System In Burkina Faso
NDC Partnership Economic Advisory Support - CIV
Scaling up rural electrification via capacity building to public and private actors
Accelerating development of new bioeconomy businesses and enhanced capacities for green jobs promotion and increased climate action ambition from policy implementation and integration
Low carbon vehicles for the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Comprehensive Study for the Identification and Formulation mission of the project "Support to Green Growth/Economy programme in Jordan"
Market Preparation for Industrial Energy Efficiency in Lao PDR
Accelerating Green Finance Flows Through the Strengthening of the Mexican National Banking and Securities Commission
Promoting green finance for the people and environment of the Mexico-US border
Structuring of a used tire value chain and a used tire material recovery sector in Morocco
Structuring of a green ammoniac and green hydrogen production program in Morocco
Strengthening Paraguay’s capacity to access climate finance through DAEs nomination, Sub-national Climate Finance Roadmap development and pipeline strengthening
Capacity building to the government of Peru to support its first sovereign green bond issuance
Developing a project proposal on building urban resilience with nature-based solutions
Promoting solar powered irrigation and pumping in Uganda
Clean Energy for Climate-Smart Schools in Viet Nam
BioCNG Programme - Thailand
GGKP Project
KH16 Green mobility (phase II)
National Framework for Action on Climate Change Adaptation
Green Agenda Policy Advisory
Greening Uganda’s Urbanization and Industrialization
Review of the Tonga Energy Road Map and support for the development of TERM-Plus
Viet Nam Green Bond Readiness Program
Forest Finance and Investment Incubator
Mobilizing international climate finance and private investments for low-carbon development in Saint Lucia
Support for a Renewable Energy Transition in OECS Countries
Investment Mobilization for Solar PV and Sustainable Housing in the Caribbean
Promoting Solar Irrigation Pumping Systems, Mini grid, and Ecosystems Services for improved Climate Smart Agriculture
Pacific Green Entrepreneur Network
Readiness Support for Strategic Climate Finance in Guyana
Road map for Electric Vehicle (EV) adoption and charging infrastructure development in India
GGGI- ISA partnership for one million solar pump initiative
Preparing Jordan’s NDA and DAE for Partnership in Climate Action
Climate Smart Agriculture for Kiribati
Resilient Recovery Rapid Readiness Support in the Kingdom of Morocco
Bataan Electric Public Transport Program
Development of an Inclusive Green Finance Policy for PNG’s banking sector
Waste to Resources: Improving Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and Hazardous Waste Management in Rwanda
Solar-Powered Irrigation for Climate-Smart Agriculture in the Senegal River Valley
Thailand Circular Economy Finance Facility (T-CEFF)
UAE National MRV Framework
Readiness Support for the Development of Vanuatu National Energy Efficiency Strategy and Action Plan
Scaling-up Climate Resilience through Solar Power-Driven Access to Water
Development of a Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy (LT-LEDS)
Solar Grandmothers in Burkina Faso
GGKP 2021-2022 Development and Gender Working Group
Employment Assessment of Sustainable and Climate-Smart Agriculture Practices: A Value Chain Analysis
Cote d'Ivoire Readiness 2020
Creating Jobs in Sustainable Garment Sourcing
Cambodia Thematic Bond Pilot Issuance
Ecuador: Debt for Nature Swap in Galapagos
Ethiopia Climate Resilient Forest and Landscape Rehabilitation Programme
Resilient Recovery Rapid Readiness Support in Ethiopia
Agroforestry for People, Peace and Prosperity in Southern Ethiopia's Coffee Growing Region
Strengthen Capacity to ensure transparency of action and support for Fiji's NDCs and LEDS
Enhancing Direct Access to Climate Finance in Fiji - Phase 2
Supporting Pacific Islands Countries on MRV
Nauru pre-feasibility for national sewerage plant management
Supporting Preparedness for Article 6 Cooperation (SPAR6C) Program
RE-ACT: Renewable Energy - Accelerated Transition in Indonesia
Promoting Sustainable Procurement in Kiribati
Green Growth Index and Promotion Project
Biogas Acceleration Project
Strengthening Institutional and Technical Capacity to Support NDC Implementation and Mainstreaming Climate Change into Subnational Development Planning in Mongolia
KOICA MDCP 2022 - Building Climate Resilience and Reintegrating Economically Displaced Workers through Climate Smart Agriculture in the Terai Flood Plain, Nepal
Mobilizing Resources for Bamboo Sector Acceleration
NAMA Facility Ambition Initiative Call (8th Call, 2021) - SET4NPL
Green Hydrogen Value Chain and Green Ammonia Plant in Nepal
Sustainable Agriculture Program in Tumbes-Piura Equatorial Dry Forest
Solar Systems for Rural Health Facilities in Papua New Guinea
POME Waste to Energy in Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea
Capacity Building on Green Growth and Climate Finance in Mesoamerica
Thematic Bond Program with the Stock Exchanges of Colombia, Paraguay and Peru
Support for Enhanced Accreditation of National entities and Development of High-Quality Concept Notes
UKPACT extension: Accelerating Green Finance Flows through a Stronger Regulator (CNBV)
KGNDF - Enhancing resilient rural communities through decentralized water and waste infrastructure
NADB becomes a Direct Access Entity of the GCF
E-bus fleet acquisition plus carbon finance potential assessment for the city of monterrey, Mexico
NDC Collaborative
Scaling up Biomass Waste-to-energy in Viet Nam
Research and Analysis
Thailand EE Program
Mainstreaming Green growth in Development Planning
Improving Public Transportation Systems in Mexico
State of Sonora Green Growth Plan
Morocco Green Cities and Territories
Implementation Support for the National Green Growth Plan of Jordan
Policy Alignment for Green Growth
Green Urban Development Program, Phase II
Kiribati Green and Climate Resilient Island Development
Implementation of the INDC
Technical Support to the Rwanda National Fund for Environment and Climate Change (FONERWA) Facility
Green Growth Pathways in Senegal
Viet Nam Urban Green Growth Action, Phase II
Capacity Building
Burkina Faso Country Program
Greening of commodity value chains
Catalyzing the Solar Home Systems (SHS) market to benefit low-income, urban households in two secondary cities of Mbarara and Gulu
Strategic Outcomes
GGPM Project
Danish Minigrant Facility on Waste to Energy
Strengthen the NDA and Indonesia's Commitment to the Green Climate Fund
Jordan GCF Readiness Program 2018-2019
Green Growth Mainstreaming
Establishment of a National Financing Vehicle and capacity building program in Morocco
Senegal Green building readiness program
WW + SW Treatment Capacity Building Project for City Env Improvement in Lao PDR
Sustainable Energy-Water Solution for Med-Large Irrigation of Commercial Farming
Enhancing resilience to climate change through solar power driven access to water in rural areas
Support Ministry of Finance to access green funds
Inclusive Green Urban Development (IGUD)
IMELS-GGGI Contribution Agreement - Phase 2
National Finance Vehicle in Senegal: the Renewable and Energy Efficiency Fund
Promoting city-wide inclusive sanitation through the Climate Resilience and Green Growth agenda (Senegal)
Increasing Solid Waste Diversion and Recycling in Kampala
Uganda Green Investment Facility
Promoting Greenovation through SMEs and start-ups in Vietnam
Green Infrastructure Planning and Delivery (GIPD)
Waste to Energy in Phnom Penh
Support for OECS policy analysis on energy resilience
Green Growth and Win-Win Strategies for Sustainable Climate Action (GREEN-WIN)
Support GoM on reviewing and updating Green Economy Action Plan for 2020-2025
Scoping and program development
Vietnam Distributed Solar - Solar Rooftop Leasing Finance Facility
Macro-Economic Analysis
Climate Resilient Green Growth in PNG
Facilitating ESCO investments in Cambodian SMEs
Large Scale Commercial Agriculture Strategy
Secondment to Fiji Development Bank for support with GCF projects
Enhancing Access to Climate Finance in Fiji
Business Case for Electric Vehicle Dissemination in Vientiane, Lao PDR
Preparatory work for the KOICA project on wastewater and solid waste management
Mongolia Green Finance Corporation
Mangrove Restoration Program in Myanmar
Readiness Support for Developing Myanmar’s Green Cities Investment Plans
Electric Mobility Program, Phase II
Mitigating Deforestation in Peru through Land Use Formalization
Support for Design and Implementation of Peru's Freight Vehicle Scrapping Program
Municipality of Lima’s Organic Waste Valorization Program
Greening MSMEs and promoting green-preneurship
Green Secondary Cities Wastewater, Plastic Waste and WEEE Management: Innovative Business Model for
Evidence-based policies for the sustainable use of energy resources in the Asia-Pacific Region
Supporting Sustainable Landscape and scaling up of Ecovillages development model
Green cities guideline formulation
Cambodia waste water and sanitation
Colombia – GGGI Green Growth Project (2017-2019)
Scaling up Green Growth Policy implementation and investments via capacity building
PS-Ethiopia-Ethiopian Climate Insurance Acceleration Fund (ECIAF)
Business Case for Solar PV (Energy) Investment at the Adama Industrial Park
Development of a Roadmap for “Greening the Industrial Parks” in Ethiopia
Support the Forest Sector Transformation Unit, Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission
Support to CNCAS for GCF pipeline development as DAE
GGKP Annual Conference 2019
Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT)-MRV systems especially for industry and buildings
PS-India-Climate-resilient and gender inclusive MGNREGA based on Mission Water Conservation
UAE National Climate Adaptation Program
Qatar Green Growth Program--Scoping
UAE National Air Emissions Monitoring Project
Strengthening Green Talent and Workforce
Greening the National Development Plan
Phase 3 of Support to the Vanuatu National Green Energy Fund: Operationalising investment and Exit Strategy
OECS / Caribbean regional program
Business Case and Policy Assessment for Electric Mobility
Research Study on Climate Finance Opportunities in South-South and North-South-South context
WGEO - Smart City Investment Project
Greening Rural Housing in India through PMAY-G
Enhancing Guyana’s Access to GCF to Transition to Renewable Energy
Hungary Bilateral Climate Financing scheme
Development of an Agricultural Strategy as an Addendum to the KV20 - Kiribati's National Development Plan
Mongolia Renewable Energy Absorption Project
Greening 1000 telecommunication towers for PNG - a fuel switch project
Nordic Development Fund Training Agreement
Mobilizing the Vanuatu Private Sector Towards Climate Change Action
Transitioning to a new model of urban development in Vietnam
State of Green Growth Campaign
Support for the Research Plan -G20 Background Paper “Green Growth to Achieve the Paris Agreement”
Article 6 Sectoral Approach and Enabling Environment
PS-Ethiopia Development of climate-resilient WaSH in 8 drought-prone areas
PS - Laos - Feasibility Assessment to National Sanitation Vehicle (NSV)
Cooperation with IMELS in the field of climate change vulnerability, mitigation and adaptation
Waste energy recovery program at industrial facilities
Scaling up policy and investment for gender inclusive, subnational green growth in Mexico
Readiness Support for Mexico
Low Carbon Heat only boilers in Public Buildings in Mongolia
TTR Phase II-Development of Guideline for Standard Offer Program
Distributed Ledger Technology Powered Improved Cookstoves Finance Facility (DLTICS)
investment to
restore and protect
priority natural
ecosystems leading
to improved water
security for 10
million people in
Capacity Building to Strengthen Sustainable
Implementation of Renewable Energy Technologies for Rural Energy Acces
Evidence-based policies for the sustainable use of energy resources in the Asia-Pacific Region
NDC Partnership Economic Advisory Support - UGA
Enhancing Vanuatu’s Ability to Seek Accreditation and Direct Access to the GCF
UNEP DTU NDC Action project in Vietnam
KREI 2020 Study for Agricultural Development Cooperation
Climate Action Enhancement Package 2: Tonga
GGP3 Landscapes 2020-2022
Waste management in Cambodia - phase II
Support Update of the NDC and preparation of LEDS
Promotion of Sustainable Energy Practices in the Garment Sector in Cambodia
Climate Action Enhancement Package: Burkina Faso
EU Support to Progressive Platforms for Climate Action
Development and enhancement of GGKP knowledge platforms
Supporting Direct Access in the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire
Capacity Building Program for Inclusive Green Economy for Government Officials in East Africa
Readiness Support to Capacitate Rwanda’s Sub-National Level Actors in Green Growth and Climate Resilience
Greening Rwanda’s Existing Public Building Stock
Sustainable Solid and Liquid Waste Management and Valorization in Rwanda’s Green Cities
Global Program for Waste
Hungary: development of the National Clean Growth Strategy and Policy Support for the EU Green Deal
Development of MRV Capacity Building Program
World Bank - WAVES - 3Returns in Western Ayeyarwady
Lima Municipality Organic Waste Valorization
Scaling Roof-top Solar Generation in Oriental Mindoro
Climate Action Enhancement Package: Saint Lucia
Climate Action Enhancement Package: Grenada
Establishment and operationalization of a National Financing Vehicle in Dominica
Pacific NDC Hub
GGGI Contribution to the State-of-the-Art Report
Building Energy Efficiency Global Program
Sustainable Transport Global Program
Developing Rapid Assessment Reports for ACGF Green Infrastructure Projects
Technical Advisor for Mainstreaming Low-emission Energy Technologies to build Guyana´s Green Economy”
Utility scale 150MW ground mounted solar PV project for new highway corridor in Maharashtra - India
Indonesia GCF Readiness Project Phase II
Green Growth Action Plan Implementation Support
Enhancing NDA Capacity and Access to the GCF in Lao PDR
Energy Performance Contracting for Residential Retrofitting in Ulaanbaatar City
Building capacity of Mongolian government for NDC implementation
Policy development of a CO2 based Bonus-Malus sysem for new passengers vehicles
Climate Action Enhancement Package: Morocco
GCF Readiness: Enhancing Access to Climate Finance in Morocco’s Regions
Renewable Energy for Rural Development
Support to LIFE-AR Year 1 Establishment Phase
Transforming Illegal Logging in Colombia through Judicial Education
Mobilising Article 6 Trading Structures (MATS)
Narmada Landscape Restoration Project (NLRP)
Agroforestry Concessions (ACtion)
Climate Resilient and Inclusive Green Growth for Poor Rural Communities: Accelerating Implementation in the Agriculture Value Chain (KOICA)
NAP Readiness and Preparatory Support for Building Flood Resilience Capacities in Rwanda
Strengthening, Prioritizing, and Investing in Non-Motorized Transport Infrastructure
Strengthen the Process and Capacity of Implementation of National Adaptation Plan of Sri Lanka (GCF-NAP)
Mainstreaming Investment in green energy in the Pacific
Second phase of GGGI/Norway´s joint green growth program with the Government of Colombia
National Financial vehicle - Burkina Green Energy funds
Readiness Support to Strengthen PNG's Engagement with the GCF
National Post Coal Green Jobs Strategy
Technical Assistance to Colombia´s Largest Wind Farm (800MW)
Towards a Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy for Ethiopia
Building Capacity to Facilitate the Integration of the National Adaptation Planning Process in Ethiopia
Accelerating climate-resilient transition of Burkina Faso
Green Growth Strategic assessment of the Economic and Social National Plan 2.0
Empowering local non-state actors and vulnerable communities for climate action and resilience
The Social Housing Energy Efficiency Cooling Program
Promoting Solar Irrigation Pumping Systems and Mini-grids in Burkina Faso
Renewable Energy Focused Infrastructure Debt Fund (RIDF)
Establishing a strategic Green Transaction Advisory Package (Green-TAP) for PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur
NAFIN Sustainable Bond Technical Assistance Program
Readiness for Green Building
GG Performance Management for OECS
DAE Support and Sustainable AFOLU Pipeline Development in Colombia
Powering the Sustainable Tourism Planning and Recovery
BioCNG Programme - India
600 MW Floating Solar Project at Omkareshwar Dam in Madhya Pradesh, India
Subnational Green Recovery in Mexico
Electric Mobility Program, Phase III
Developing and embedding an NDC Capital Raising Strategy for Peru
Supporting Peru’s Green COVID Recovery through Employment Creation
Climate Finance Access Network
Preparation support of Solomon Islands LT-LEDS
Management Support to Norway under the Guyana-Norway Climate and Forest Partnership
Sustainable Urban Transport
Supporting Rwanda's Green Economic Recovery: Urbanization through Affordable Housing and Climate Resilient Urban Settlements
Supporting the Transition to E-mobility in Rwanda
Assessment of Green City Kigali (GCK) project business and delivery models
Smart and Electric Public Transport Services for low-carbon city development in Rwanda
Energy auditing and capacity building on energy management for five rice mills in the Senegal River Valley
Fast-tracking investment in nature for the green recovery of Senegal: designing and operationalizing the Green PSE
Facilitating adoption of sustainable public transport services for low-carbon city development
ASEAN Municipal Solid Waste Management Enhancement (AMUSE)
Support NDA Engagement with Stakeholders, DAE Accreditation, and Enhance CNs
Green Transaction Advisory Package extension: Accelerating RE financing with PT SMI
Scoping study to develop Electrolytic Green Hydrogen Project in the Sumatra region of Indonesia
Enhancing Indonesia's access to international climate finance and private investments (Readiness 3)
Global Program on Sustainable Finance Instruments: Scaling-up Thematic Bond Markets in Developing Countries
Support for GCF Project Preparation
Fiji 5-year Carbon Budget
Conservation and Sustainable Management of Forested Landscapes in Southwestern Ethiopia
Technical Support for Development of Saint Lucia Green Affordable Housing Project
SC 119662 REG: Transition to Green and Inclusive Growth for Central Asian Economies
Integrating Conflict Sensitivity in GGGI
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Renewable Energy Facility 2030
Development of 200 ecovillages in Burkina Faso