IATI Identifier: XI-IATI-ET-CSA-1327-XI-IATI-ET-CSA-1327-Project-202225
The overall goal of the project is to contribute to enhanced protection of rights, rule of law, status of peace and improved justice system by the end of 2025 through advocacy, quite lobby and capacity building trainings for the three branches of the government. Project Objectives are: Strategic Objective 1: Strengthen Rule of Law in Ethiopia through improved institutional capacity of the justice sector to enact laws, policies, and create better access to justice and improved leadership capacity of justice sector Strategic Objective 2: Strengthen promotion of Human Rights in Ethiopia through ? enhanced capacity of the legislative, executive & judiciary and media to respect, protect and fulfilment of rights. Strategic Objective 3: Support peace building in Ethiopia through enhanced capacity of stakeholders in peace building process, Traditional Peace Building Practices and Inclusive dialogue in Ethiopia Capacity building, advocacy and promoting traditional peace building are the major approaches to implement the project. Activity implementation targeting government officials usually involve advocacy works while training activity on human rights are meant to build individual executive capacity of staff of the justice institutions that are believed to bring about enhancement in institutional capacity. Institutional capacity building through direct support chiefly involves activities on inmates? rehabilitation such as machinery supports, construction works and provision of medical supplies to prison. Strengthening institutional Capacity of justice institution: JFA-PFE employ strengthening institutional capacity as a key strategy especially for the strategic objective of enhancement of human rights and strengthening rule of law. Institutional capacities are built through capacity building trainings to staff of the justice institution and provision of material& financial resources to prison administration and courts. Moreover, construction of model justice service delivery centers that fulfil minimum standard of such facility at police, prison and courts are undertaken to support enhancement of institutional capacity. Advocacy and lobby: In the effort to tackle systemic/structural factor limiting the respect and protection of right, prevalence of rule of law the project put in place on going advocacy and lobbying for policy improvement, issuance and amendment of laws and procedures, and establishment of institutions that help improve human rights, rule of law and peace building process in Ethiopia. Promoting Traditional Peace Building Works (Elders) and dialogue: Ethiopia has diverse traditional dispute resolution and conflict mitigation system, among which is "shimgilina" or elders mediation to resolve conflict and restore relationships. The project organizes serious of traditional conflict resolution and peace building dialogue forums for elders, religious leaders, public figures, elites and community leaders; conduct research an augmenting traditional peace building practices; supporting effectiveness of national dialogue through participation of local elders in collaboration with the ministry of peace, elders council, national dialogue commission and other relevant government structures on peace building.
more_horizLegal and judicial development
Name | Type | Role |
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN) | Government | Funding |
Norwagian Ministry of Foraign Affairs | Government | Funding |
SIDA | Government | Funding |
Austrian Development Agency | Government | Funding |
Justice For All Prison Fellowship Ethiopia(JFA-PFE) | National NGO | Accountable |
JFA-PFE | National NGO | Implementing |
Transaction Value |
Receiver |
Type | Date |
117,882,871 ETB (Valued at Dec 31, 2023) | Provider N/A Receiver N/A | Expenditure |
Dec 31, 2023
26,690,276 ETB (Valued at Dec 11, 2023) | Provider N/A Receiver N/A |
Dec 11, 2023
12,971,827 ETB (Valued at Nov 25, 2023) | Provider N/A Receiver N/A |
Nov 25, 2023
20,833,334 ETB (Valued at Oct 28, 2023) | Provider N/A Receiver N/A |
Oct 28, 2023
13,412,235 ETB (Valued at Jul 18, 2023) | Provider N/A Receiver N/A |
Jul 18, 2023
2,184,650 ETB (Valued at Jan 01, 2023) | Austrian Development Agency JFA-PFE |
Jan 01, 2023