WGG- Creating Counter-Narratives and Alternative Solutions in Kenya
WGG- Research and Documentation in India
WGG- Direct Advocacy in Rwanda
WGG- Creating Counter-Narratives and Alternative Solutions in Uganda
WGG- Research and Documentation in Kenya
WGG- Research and Documentation in Rwanda
WGG- Creating Counter-Narratives and Alternative Solutions in Bangladesh
CMI! Power of Voices -Change (CREA) -ASIA
CMI! Power of Voices -Change (CREA) -Africa
WGG- Direct Advocacy in Uganda
3.1.3 Creative cross learning Initiative
OVOF - Movement Building-Global
OVOF - Strategic Use of Technology-Lebanon
WGG- Creating Counter-Narratives and Alternative Solutions in India
OVOF - Strategic Use of Technology-Global
OVOF - Movement Building-India
2.1.1 Online info activism
All Women Count
Knowledge Building and Strategic Communications in NL/International
CMI! Power of Voices -CREA (2021-2025)
Direct Lobbying and Advocacy in Africa
Capacity Building in Africa
Knowledge Building and Strategic Communications in Africa
Direct Lobbying and Advocacy in Asia
Capacity Building in Asia
Knowledge Building and Strategic Communications in Asia
Direct Lobbying and Advocacy in NL/International
Capacity Building in NL/International
3.1.1 Partners Meetings
OVOF - Direct Advocacy-Kenya
OVOF - Direct Advocacy-Uganda
OVOF - Direct Advocacy-Bangladesh
1.1.1 SELF Academies in India
2.1.2. Public Events
Public events
Online Infoline
Self Academies in India
3.1.3 Creative cross learning Initiative
Online Infoline
Public events
Self Academies in India
CMI! Power of Voices -Change (CREA)
CMI! 2.0 Power of Voices - Movements (CREA)
Our Voices Our Futures
OVOF - Direct Advocacy-Global
OVOF - Feminist Holistic Protection-Global
WGG- Building Inclusive Movements and Alliances in Kenya
WGG- Feminist Leadership and Mentorship in Bangladesh
WGG- Feminist Leadership and Mentorship in Kenya
OVOF -Strategic Use of Technology-India
OVOF - Use of Arts, Media and Culture-Lebanon
OVOF - Movement Building-Kenya
OVOF - Movement Building-Lebanon
OVOF - Direct Advocacy-India
OVOF - Use of Arts, Media and Culture-Sudan
OVOF - Movement Building-Sudan
WGG- Direct Advocacy in India
WGG- Direct Advocacy in Bangladesh
WGG- Direct Advocacy in Kenya
WGG- Feminist Leadership and Mentorship in Uganda
WGG- Feminist Leadership and Mentorship in Rwanda
WGG- Research and Documentation in Uganda
WGG- Building Inclusive Movements and Alliances in Bangladesh
WGG- Research and Documentation in Bangladesh
WGG- Building Inclusive Movements and Alliances in India
WGG- Creating Counter-Narratives and Alternative Solutions in Rwanda
CMI! 2.0 Power of Voices - Movements (CREA)-Asia
CMI! Power of Voices -Change (CREA) -GLOBAL
CMI! 2.0 Power of Voices - Movements (CREA)-GLOBAL
CMI! 2.0 Power of Voices - Movements (CREA)-Africa
WGG- Feminist Leadership and Mentorship in India
OVOF - Movement Building-Uganda
OVOF - Strategic Use of Technology-Bangladesh
OVOF - Movement Building-Bangladesh
OVOF - Strategic Use of Technology-Sudan
OVOF - Use of Arts, Media and Culture-India
Women Gaining Ground
OVOF - Use of Arts, Media and Culture-Bangladesh