International Development Enterprises
room Posner Center for International Development 1031 33rd St., #270 Denver, CO 80205
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IATI Identifier:

Published on IATI
  • date_range Jan 01, 2018 - Jun 01, 2019
  • autorenew Closed (Status)

Building on Anukulan, in which iDE worked to enable the vulnerable poor, especially women and children, to be more resilient to climate extremes and disasters. The worked to increase the annual income for 100,000 households (benefiting over 500,000 people), increase food security, and reduce the proportion of children under five suffering from malnutrition, through climate resilient farming systems and diversification of livelihoods. Anukulan-X builds on this work by further strengthening public-private partnerships by increasing the accessibility of smallholder farmers to micro-finance and crop insurance services.

  • Household food security programmes

Participating Organisations

DFID Government Funding
iDE International NGO Implementing
Middlesex University Academic, Training and Research Implementing
ADRA International NGO Implementing
Nepali Technical Assistance Group National NGO Implementing
Rupantaran National NGO Implementing
RIMS Nepal National NGO Implementing
International Water Management Institute Multilateral Implementing
SAPPROS Nepal National NGO Implementing


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access_time Updated on Aug 28, 2019 22:24:48