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Ideas to Impact (I2I) - Testing new technologies and innovative approaches to address development challenges – Frontier Technology Hub Phase 2 Component - non ODA

IATI Identifier: US-EIN-20-8530747-US-EIN-20-8530747-DFIDFT2

Published on IATI
  • date_range Dec 03, 2019 - Dec 31, 2023
  • autorenew Implementation (Status)

Frontier Technologies (FT) is a programme designed to help DFID apply frontier technologies to the biggest challenges in development. The second phase of the programme began in December 2019. It operates through four interconnected workstreams: > Livestreaming aims to pilot the application of frontier technologies in addressing development challenges, and test patheways to scale so that DFID and the development community have access to knowledge and evidence around the potential value of frontier technologies in development. > Futures is a capability-development initiative designed to enhance the frontier technology knowledge and local tech connections of DFID teams and Country Offices, so that DFID staff understand and are better equipped to use frontier technologies to enhance development impact. > Partnerships works to collaborate with strategic partners working on / interested in frontier technologies in support the adoption and scaling of frontier technologies in different contexts. > Research & Learning generates evidence and learning products improve programme design and delivery, and benefit the broader development community. In response to the COVID pandemic in 2020 the scope of work has expanded to include sourcing and support for COVID-19 response innovations. In addition, ‘FTx’ projects focus on testing decentralised models for the Frontier Tech offer, embedding aspects of frontier technology programming into DFID Country Offices, and the local ecosystems that support them, in a sustainable way.

  • Sectors not specified

Participating Organisations

Results for Development International NGO Accountable
UK - Department for International Development (DFID) Government Funding
Brink Innovation Ltd Private Sector Implementing
IMC Worldwide LTD Private Sector in Provider Country Implementing


Transaction Value Provider
Type Date
113,920 GBP Provider N/A Receiver N/A Expenditure
date_range Dec 30, 2022
103,063 GBP Provider N/A Receiver N/A Expenditure
date_range Dec 30, 2022
202,923 GBP Provider N/A Receiver N/A Reimbursement
date_range Dec 30, 2022
13,603 GBP Provider N/A Receiver N/A Expenditure
date_range Dec 30, 2022
94,836 USD Provider N/A Receiver N/A Expenditure
date_range Sep 30, 2022
122,061 GBP Provider N/A Receiver N/A Expenditure
date_range Sep 30, 2022
143,078 GBP Provider N/A Receiver N/A Reimbursement
date_range Sep 30, 2022
31,724 GBP Provider N/A Receiver N/A Expenditure
date_range Sep 30, 2022
46,084 GBP Provider N/A Receiver N/A Expenditure
date_range Jun 30, 2022
46,393 GBP Provider N/A Receiver N/A Expenditure
date_range Jun 30, 2022
51,356 GBP Provider N/A Receiver N/A Reimbursement
date_range Jun 30, 2022
7,337 GBP Provider N/A Receiver N/A Expenditure
date_range Jun 30, 2022
10,123 GBP Provider N/A Receiver N/A Expenditure
date_range Mar 31, 2022
168,479 GBP Provider N/A Receiver N/A Expenditure
date_range Mar 31, 2022
109,728 GBP Provider N/A Receiver N/A Reimbursement
date_range Mar 31, 2022
32,367 GBP Provider N/A Receiver N/A Expenditure
date_range Mar 31, 2022
44,789 GBP Provider N/A Receiver N/A Expenditure
date_range Dec 31, 2021
72,772 GBP Provider N/A Receiver N/A Expenditure
date_range Dec 31, 2021
21,404 GBP Provider N/A Receiver N/A Expenditure
date_range Dec 31, 2021
37,469 GBP Provider N/A Receiver N/A Expenditure
date_range Sep 30, 2021
43,755 GBP Provider N/A Receiver N/A Expenditure
date_range Sep 30, 2021
14,898 GBP Provider N/A Receiver N/A Expenditure
date_range Sep 30, 2021


28,469,037 USD
  • 270,938 GBP (Valued at Mar 31, 2020)
    date_range Dec 03, 2019 - Mar 31, 2020
  • 5,562,921 GBP (Valued at Dec 10, 2020)
    date_range Apr 01, 2020 - Mar 31, 2021
  • 9,007,520 GBP (Valued at Dec 10, 2020)
    date_range Apr 01, 2021 - Mar 31, 2022
  • 5,605,668 GBP (Valued at Dec 10, 2020)
    date_range Apr 01, 2022 - Mar 31, 2023
  • 970,968 GBP (Valued at Dec 10, 2020)
    date_range Apr 01, 2023 - Dec 31, 2023
access_time Updated on May 15, 2023 18:30:12