African Center for Economic Transformation
room Castle Road, Ghana
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CwA- Reform Partnership Framework

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Published on IATI
  • date_range Jan 01, 2020
  • autorenew Implementation (Status)

This program is an extension of CwA work, funded by BMZ to deepen ACET’s work in reform partnership countries and investment promotion. As a result of a CwA peer learning workshop in Accra in February 2020, a new subset of work was initiated within the CwA under the Reform Partnership Framework. This subset included studies on good governance and COVID-19; industrial innovation; and investment. This quarter, activities focused on the dissemination of our studies on Good Governance, COVID-19 and Industrial Innovation. (1) Good Governance & COVID-19: We published two of our research papers produced last quarter: A “Scan of COVID-19 Governance-Related Policy Actions” and “Responding to COVID-19: An Overview of Governance Issues.” We also organized two COVID-19 recovery related events this period. The first, on January 28th, and a second on March 15 in collaboration with the World Bank titled “Bringing Everyone Along: An Inclusive Recovery in Africa.” (2) Industrial Innovation: ACET is conducting a scoping analysis of the seven Reform Partnership Countries for existing industrial innovation programs, including initiatives organized and/or sponsored by governments and development partners. The study includes an assessment of existing policies and programs; a stakeholder assessment, including private sector and academia; and identification of possible sectors of focus. The report is intended to be used for peer-to-peer learning among Reform Partnership and Compact with Africa (CwA) countries, to inform future country-specific analyses and to support the design of future industrial innovation policy in Reform Partnership or CwA countries. In Q1 the first draft of the paper was completed and submitted for review. (3) Investment: We initiated a seven-country study (Morocco, Tunisia, Senegal, Ethiopia, Togo, Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana), titled ‘Pathways to Accelerate Investment’ which will inform German government decisions on the scope of its work in Reform Partnership countries. The study was completed and submitted to GIZ for feedback in Q4 2020. Q2 2021 This quarter, activities focused on the dissemination of our studies on Good Governance, COVID-19 and Industrial Innovation. (1) Industrial Innovation: ACET is conducting a scoping analysis of the seven Reform Partnership Countries for existing industrial innovation programs, including initiatives organized and/or sponsored by governments and development partners. The study includes an assessment of existing policies and programs; a stakeholder assessment, including private sector and academia; and identification of possible sectors of focus. The report is intended to be used for peer-to-peer learning among Reform Partnership and Compact with Africa (CwA) countries, to inform future country-specific analyses and to support the design of future industrial innovation policy in Reform Partnership or CwA countries. In April ACET finalized the draft landscape analysis on industrial innovation in Africa. The reports, the first of its kind for the continent, focused on the status of industrial innovation policy, institutions and agendas in seven countries. The report will be finalized after feedback from the funder, and we expect follow on work to further analyze the options and opportunities for industrial innovation in Africa. (2) Pathways to Investment: We initiated a seven-country study (Morocco, Tunisia, Senegal, Ethiopia, Togo, Côte d’Ivoire, and Ghana), titled ‘Pathways to Accelerate Investment’ which will inform German government decisions on the scope of its work in Reform Partnership countries. The study was completed and submitted to GIZ (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) for feedback in Q4 2020. The report has since been revised and was presented on June 17 to the German Ministry of Development (BMZ), the German Development Implementation Agency (GIZ), the German Development Bank (KfW (Kreditanstalt Für Wiederaufbau)) and staff from various German Embassies in Africa. A few themes emerged during the discussion where additional efforts may be needed more generally to support the Reform Partnership countries. These included how to create strategic alliances within countries to support and advocate for investment; a greater focus on cross-cutting sectors; a need for greater engagement of stakeholders; a need for greater voice of the private sector; and better definitions of what is needed to “kickstart” reforms that can unlock untapped potential. There was also a focus on a few sectors/themes from country-specific contexts, including renewables, manufacturing, agriculture and agribusiness, training, and skills and TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training), municipal development, innovation policy, and private sector development/business environment. ACET and German teams will continue with follow up in the Reform Partnership countries which may include stakeholder engagement, seminars or further research and analysis Q3 2021 Industrial Innovation Report: ACET completed and shared a final draft of the industrial innovation report with GIZ for feedback. Next steps are to incorporate their feedback, edit, and finalize the report for publishing. Currently the process has been delayed due to contracting challenges with the consultant, which need to be resolved. Country Deep-Dives: As a follow-up to the report, ACET has been approved to conduct additional deep-dives on selected countries to identify country specific best practices and policy recommendations. Peer Learning: We are planning to host a peer-learning event at the end of November to showcase the key learnings of the innovation report. Q4 2021 Industrial Innovation Report: The industrial innovation report has been finalized. Country Deep-Dives: Following completion of the industrial innovation study, ACET initiated preparations to conduct additional deep-dives on country specific best practices and policy recommendations. Peer Learning: On 8th December 2021, ACET held a peer-to-Peer Learning Event on “Industrial Innovation Policy to Support Africa Economic Transformation” The event builds on the landscape analysis of seven countries (Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Morocco, Senegal, Togo, Tunisia) conducted by ACET to identify possible sectors of focus for future investment as part of Germany’s Reform Partnerships. The objective of this event was to: (i) Facilitate discussion around the challenges to industrial innovation policy and promote peer-to-peer learning between governments, private sector, academia and other stakeholders. (ii) Identify actionable steps for facilitating investment and implementing the recommendations from ACET’s landscape analysis

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Participating Organisations

African Center for Economic Transformation International NGO Implementing


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161,100 USD
  • 125,700 USD (Valued at Mar 31, 2021)
    date_range Jan 01, 2021 - Mar 31, 2021
  • 33,900 USD (Valued at Jun 30, 2021)
    date_range Apr 01, 2021 - Jun 30, 2021
  • 1,500 USD (Valued at Dec 31, 2021)
    date_range Oct 01, 2021 - Dec 31, 2021
access_time Updated on Apr 01, 2022 19:37:46