Queensland ODA - OctapeptinX (OPX) for XDR Gram-negative infections
Avails: The eAST - a rapid, electronic device for direct from positive blood culture AST
Integrated Biotherapeutics -IBT V-02
GVGH-Sal: 06CARB-X968; A combination vaccine for sustainable prevention of invasive Salmonelloses in sub-Saharan Africa
BB100 - A Humanized Monoclonal Antibody Targeting multi-Drug Resistant Escherichia coli ST131-O25b
Procarta - PRO-202
BioVersys - Anti-Virulence Adjunctive Therapy Against Resistant Staphylococus aureus (AVATAR-SA)
Lytica - Stapled Antimicrobial Peptides for Gram-negative Infections
Lumen - Oral anti-microbial immunotherapy against ETEC and campylobacter
Amicrobe - Amicidin-Beta
GangaGen Engineered therapeutic protein antibiotics targeting drug-resistant Enterobacteriaceae
Phico: Pre-clinical and clinical development of intravenous Pseudomonas aeruginosa SASPject technology
Cross-Project Initiative
Jenner - dmGC_0817560
HZI CIR - Small molecule inhibitors of α-hemolysin for the treatment of S. aureus lung infections
GVGH-GAS: Group A Streptococcus vaccine (06CARB-X0955)
Vaxcyte - Safe Universal Carbohydrate Conjugate GAS Vaccine
Visby - Rapid detection of Neisseria Gonorrhea and antimicrobial susceptibility from urogenital samples - 1235
Vaxdyn - KAPAVAX
University of Melbourne - Novel ionophore combination therapeutic treatment
Intravacc - Avacc 12: An Outer Membrane Vesicle vaccine for Neisseria gonorrhoeae
LimmaTech - Development of a Multivalent Gonococcal Vaccine
Syntiron - Alloy Vaccine: An iron receptor protein vaccine to prevent Enterobacteriaceae infections