IATI Identifier:
This SP focuses the Mara region, particularly Serengeti and Bunda districts. The SP takes a FINISH approach, conducted by WAI partners Amref and WASTE. Amref with a focus on awareness, demand creation and local government, and WASTE with a focus on supply side and financial institutions. This work will be on rural sanitation and hygiene. It targets stakeholders from four domains to work together: communities, governments, businesses, and financial institutions in Serengeti and Bunda districts. Partnering is key to the success of the programme. More specifically, WAI will partner with Serengeti Town Water Supply and Sanitation Authorities, Ministry of Water, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and vocational training, local government authorities (both health, environment, water, community development and sanitation departments), financial institutions (including micro-finance institutions, village community banks, etc), operating around the Lake Victoria zone, local community organisations, private sector entrepreneurs etc.
more_horizBasic drinking water supply and basic sanitation
Name | Type | Role |
Amref Flying Doctors | National NGO | Funding |
Amref Health Africa Tanzania | National NGO | Accountable |
Amref Health Africa Tanzania | National NGO | Implementing |
Transaction Value |
Receiver |
Type | Date |
Not Available | Provider N/A Receiver N/A |
Not Available | Provider N/A Receiver N/A |
Not Available | Provider N/A Receiver N/A |
Not Available | Provider N/A Receiver N/A |