Flood protection alongside the Mao river in Gelephu (Phase 1)
Água Grande Coastal Protection & Road Rehabilitation Project
Jakarta Port Expansion
Jakarta Port Expansion (Feasibility Study)
Água Grande Coastal Protection & Road Rehabilitation Project (Additional Technical Assistance)
Facility for Infrastructure Development (ORIO)
Dutch Good Growth Fund (DGGF)
Dutch Good Growth Fund - Technical Assistance (DGGF-TA)
Develop2Build (D2B)
Rehabilitation and extension of water supply in the volcanic region in Rwanda
Água Grande Coastal Protection & Road Rehabilitation Project (Technical Assistance)
Rehabilitation and extension of the water system of N’Djamena
Rehabilitation and extension of the water system of N’Djamena (Preparatory Studies)
Solwezi Water & Sanitation Works
Dar es Salaam Integrated Waste project
Motorcycle assembly and production plant in Nairobi
Nepal – Automated Fare Collection (AFC) in buses
Nigeria – Solar Park installations
Coastal Protection at Gn. Fuvahmulah (Implementation Phase)
Improved access to financial services in Peru
Peru - Cultivation of amaryllis bulbs
Wastewater treatment system for Municipality of Leskovac (Implementation Phase)
Building a Starch plant in Kabupaten Batu Bara, North- Sumatera, Indonesia
Local meat for local need; from Farm to Fork
Developing a business case for plant based raw materials in Durban, South Africa
Sanitation and Protection Programme for uMugungundlovu Resources (Development Phase)
Construction of a system for wastewater collection & treatment (Development Phase)
Developing aquaculture for the Ethiopian market and export
Tumaco - Pacifico Campus (Implementation Phase)
Tumaco - Pacifico Campus (O&M Phase)
Improving the Access to Healthcare for Mother & Child (Development Phase)
Coastal protection of the island of Kaback
Professionalisation of the horticulture sector, in particular the multiplication of seed potatoes
Professionalisation of the horticulture sector, in particular the multiplication of seed potatoes (Feasibility Study)
Tradin Organic Agriculture: Valorising the mango value chain in The Gambia
Eggs Breaking & Pasteurization Factory
GoodUp CSR Employee Engagement Platform: Go to market Analysis in Kenya and South Africa
The establishment of the National Vocational Training Institute (NVTI) in Polonnaruwa (Sri Lanka)
Pyigyitagon Water Supply Project, Mandalay
Creating living incomes for smallholder coffee farmers
AEP Parakou Improvement drinking water supply (Development Phase)
Strengthening maternal and infant health care in deprived areas (Development Phase)
As-Samra WWTP Solar Pane
Improvement of the road conductivity in the Champasack Province by the construction of bridges
Construction works of five bridges and their access roads in Conakry and Coyah Guinea
Development Related Infrastructure Investment Vehicle (DRIVE)
Pan Hlaing sluices (ESIA)
Pan Hlaing sluices (Additional Task ESIA)
Opening-up of Ethiopia’s horticultural bounty
Pan Hlaing sluices (RWS)
Pan Hlaing sluices
Pan Hlaing sluices (Feasibility Study)
Beira Port Access Road, Mozambique
Beira Port Access Road, Mozambique (Feasibility Study)
Building of Level II hospitals in Beira (O&M Phase)
Construction and Equipment of the General Hospital in Western Managua (Implementation Phase)
Construction and Equipment of the General Hospital in Western Managua (O&M Phase)
Building of Level II hospitals in Beira (Implementation Phase)
Satellite Based Water Monitoring and Flow Forecasting (O&M Phase)
Development of Port of Ziguinchor (Implementation Phase)
Greater Maputo Water Supply Project (O&M Phase)
Coastal protection of the island of Kaback (Rehabilitation Study)
Development of a Flower Auction in Amman (Technical Assistance)
Kisumu, Neyri an Meru Water Supply
Construction of a new regional hospital and strengthening of the health system in Kayes (International Medical Advisor)
Construction of a new regional hospital and strengthening of the health system in Kayes (Additional Consultant Hospitals)
Construction of a new regional hospital and strengthening of the health system in Kayes
Construction of a new regional hospital and strengthening of the health system in Kayes (Technical Assistance)
Nyaungdone infrastructural flood protection (Study on Bank Protection Measures)
Nyaungdone infrastructural flood protection (ESIA)
“Raspberries for development” A solid extension plan, Tanzania
Forest Effect Fund
Nyaungdone infrastructural flood protection
Nyaungdone infrastructural flood protection (Bathymetric Survey)
Development of a Flower Auction in Amman
Electrifying Rural Tanzania (Implementation Phase)
Electrifying Rural Tanzania (O&M Phase)
Rehabilitation of Kilimanjaro International Airport (Implementation Phase)
Development of water sector public infrastructure in Municipality of Cazin (Implementation Phase)
Providing new water infrastructure in the rural areas of Elundini (O&M Phase)
Modernisation of regionial road R-435 Nevesinje - Berkovici (Implementation Phase)
Water Management Infrastructure Bhola District (O&M Phase)
Water Supply Service Improvement and Extension Project (O&M Phase)
Improving the performance of the rural health sector (Implementation Phase)
Boosting maternal and child health in Wollega (Implementation Phase)
Boosting maternal and child health in Wollega (O&M Phase)
Palestinian Territory project for quality improvement of healthcare for mother and child in the West Bank (O&M Phase)
Palestinian Territory project for quality improvement of healthcare for mother and child in the West Bank (Implementation Phase)
Water Provision and Sustainability in uMgungundlovu District Municipality (Implementation Phase)
Water Provision and Sustainability in uMgungundlovu District Municipality (O&M Phase)
Blue Crane
Make People Stronger - vervolg
Cultivar Coffee
Steans Beans
Solwezi Water & Sanitation Works (Technical Assistance)
River crossing Kapuas river Pontianak
Road-based public transport infrastructure and services (Implementation Phase)
Construction of a system for wastewater collection & treatment (Implementation Phase)
Construction of a system for wastewater collection & treatment (O&M Phase)
Improving the Access to Healthcare for Mother & Child (O&M Phase)
Scaling up Maternal and Child Healthcare in Amhara (Implementation Phase)
Scaling up Maternal and Child Healthcare in Amhara (O&M Phase)
Rehabilitation of Education Infrastructure of Agriculture Colleges (Implementation Phase)
Poverty alleviation through road development (Development Phase)
Developing the Fishery Sector in Casamance (Technical Assistance)
Collection and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste in Jinja Municipalty
Deferred and Performance Based Maintenance Dredging of the Odaw Channel and Korle Lagoon (ESIA)
Deferred and Performance Based Maintenance Dredging of the Odaw Channel and Korle Lagoon (Technical Assistance)
Deferred and Performance Based Maintenance Dredging of the Odaw Channel and Korle Lagoon (Financial Study)
Deferred and Performance Based Maintenance Dredging of the Odaw Channel and Korle Lagoon (Technical Assistance to pilot project)
Deferred and Performance Based Maintenance Dredging of the Odaw Channel and Korle Lagoon (RWS)
Deferred and Performance Based Maintenance Dredging of the Odaw Channel and Korle Lagoon (Additional Technical Assistance)
Development of a Concentrated Solar Power Plant (CSP Expertise)
Waste Water and Solid Waste Mopti, Mali (Audio-visual Equipment)
Studies Public Transport Chindwin River (ESIA)
Studies Public Transport Chindwin River
Studies Public Transport Chindwin River (Feasibility Study I)
Hlaing Thar Waste Water Management project (Pre-Feasbility and ESIA Study)
Waste Water and Solid Waste Mopti, Mali (Feasibility Study)
Total Floor Covering
Energy rural Casamance
Yangon Port Development
Studies Public Transport Chindwin River (Feasibility Study III)
Studies Public Transport Chindwin River (Feasibility Study II)
Studies Public Transport Chindwin River (Completed ESIA)
Development of agricultural export enabling infrastructure and extension services (Supporting Services D2B Nepal)
Specialist on coastal protection and management, disaster risk reduction and flood management for coastal protection in Beira
Coastal Protection Beira (Feasibility Study)
Year-round production and export of Fairtrade seasonal flowers in Ethiopia
Processing MSC certified Tuna in Vietnam
Jack Fruit from Uganda
Marketing KOW
General Hospital "Santa Cruz" of the Caja Nacional de Salud (CNS) in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia (Development Phase)
Ethiopia - Purchase and sales of leather shoes
Handeni Trunk Main
Establishment of a nursery for hardening TC plantlets for banana farmers, a demonstration farm and a training centre
Hydro-powered Pumping Solutions for Farmers
Hydro-powered Pumping Solutions for Farmers
Spices from the core source
Modernisation of the Lake Tana Transport Infrastructure (Development Phase)
Irrigation Infrastructure for Organic Sugarcane in Chemba (DRA17MZ01)
Tanzania – Tourist Lodge
Import gedroogde biologische mango vanuit Burkina Faso
Construction and Equipping of the Regional Hospital of Bolwi in the North Atlantic Autonomous Region
Construction of four ports at Lake Kivu Rwanda
Depollution and decontamination via wastewater management of Hann Bay in Dakar, Senegal
Scaling up cardiac care services in Ethiopia
“strengthen cardio-thoracic services across the continuum of care”
Installation of towing capacity to facilitate transport facility (Development Phase)
Scaling up cardiac care TA2
Establishing Sustainable and Equitable Cardiac Care in Ethiopia (2)
Accessibility of fishery
Market Sounding for Áqua Grande Coastal Protection project
Scaling up cardiac care (DRP19ET01)
Improving access to healthcare in remote areas in Colombia: Piloting rental services of high-end mobile diagnostics solutions
Venture Building Programme to reduce food loss in Kenya
Validating the cultivation of crickets and the production of cricket Protein Powder the most sustainable and affordable protein in Loc Ninh, Vietnam
Feasibility study into the set-up of a Coconut Husk Board Production plant in Indonesia or Vietnam
Reinforcement of the Health Infrastructure in northern Kenya (Development Phase)
Third Niamey drinking water plant - Studies
Assessing the feasibility to produce energy from Water hyacinth plants in Sogakope, Ghana
Realisation of two water supply plants for rural areas (Development Phase)
Construction of Wastewater Collection Treatment and Drainage System (Development Phase)
Clean water distribution system for rural areas at the North and South Mo Cay district (Development Phase)
Boosting Colombia’s start-up ecosystem: Rockstart Web & Mobile Accelerator programme in Bogotá, Colombia
Third Niamey drinking water plant - Renewable energy
Lake Kivu Inland Waterway (TA ESIA)
PPP Assistence
Wajir / Habaswein Water Supply Project (Development Phase)
Set up of an integrated system of maternal and child care (Development Phase)
Reinforcement of the Healthcare System (Development Phase)
Envalor Emerging Farmers Project (Development Phase)
Extension of the existing water supply system in Niamey (Development Phase)
La Paz Water Efficiency and Early Warning
Establishing Sustainable and Equitable Cardiac Care in Ethiopia (1)
The establishment of the National Vocational Training Institute (NVTI) in Polonnaruwa under the Integrated Development Programme
Satellite Based Water Monitoring and Flow Forecasting (Development Phase)
Construction and Equipment of the General Hospital in Western Managua (Development Phase)
Scaling up cardiac care services in Ethiopia “strengthen cardio-thoracic services across the continuum of care”
Construction of 5 bridges in Conackry
Incidentele Subsidie onder opschortende voorwaarde aan BAM voor boringen i.v.m. bruiggenproject in Guinee
Piloting Online School Content
Trade for Change
Demonstrating C3 Living Units in Maputu and Beira
Energy Kits to Provide Equal Access to Energy
Development of Port of Ziguinchor (Development Phase)
Fight against weed pests in the Senegal River Delta (Development Phase)
Electrifying Rural Tanzania (Development Phase)
Rehabilitation of Kilimanjaro International Airport (Development Phase)
Modernisation of regionial road R-435 Nevesinje - Berkovici (Development Phase)
Sewerage Network and Wastewater Treatment Plant of Bijeljina City (Development Phase)
Water Management Infrastructure Bhola District (Development Phase)
Bamboo Good Rolls
Rehabilitation of Zemo Samgori Irrigation System (ZEMOSAM) (Development Phase)
Coastal Protection at Gn. Fuvahmulah (Development Phase)
Improving Public Transport Infrastructure (Development Phase)
Developing the coffee supply chain in Nepal
Importing recycled PET
Validating Momala malaria mobile diagnostics in Kenya
Trade for Change
Validating Khaloom’s recycled textile production in Bangalore, India
Validating Plastic Waste Recycling in Guinee
RanMarine Durban Port Pilot, South Africa
Piloting Elephant Energy Grass cultivation for cleaner energy and livestock feed in Wattuba, Kampala, Uganda
Starting a sustainable, cooperative and fully circular coffee farm in Mubende district, Uganda
Banana Pasta: Enabling better nutrition food choices in Uganda
Assessing the feasibility to produce premixes in Ghana
High End Cashmere Goat and Wool Project in Gorkha, Nepal
Discovered India Activation Approach – supporting Indian Artisans to help grow their businesses
Piloting a sustainable coffee value chain to improve international market access for Colombian Specialty Coffee