Amref Health Africa NL
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WASH Alliance Bridge Fund Project Kenya

IATI Identifier:

Published on IATI
  • date_range Jan 01, 2016 - Dec 31, 2016
  • autorenew Closed (Status)

The WASH Alliance International envisions a world where all people have access to and make use of sustainable water and sanitation services that they can afford, and where all people can live under hygienic conditions to improve their health, dignity and economic living standard. The WAI programme 2016 will work on three integrated pillars: 1. Developing a functioning and enabling WASH market, in which the private sector is providing quality products and services at an affordable price and in which the financial sector facilitates the access and use of finance for entrepreneurs and consumers. 2. Developing an enabling public sector for WASH, in which the government takes up its responsibility as duty bearer, creates a supportive policy and regulatory environment for sustainable WASH services for all, with strong M&E (Monitoring & Evaluation) frameworks and allocates sufficient budget for WASH. 3. Empowering, informing and organising citizens for sustainable WASH: informed citizens will demand, participate and pay for sustainable WASH services and practice healthy hygienic behaviour; organised citizens will claim high quality WASH services from the market; and empowered citizens hold the government accountable for delivering quality WASH services for all. The WAI programme 2016 will be together with partners: Amref, WASTE, RAIN, Akvo and about several local NGO’s in the countries Bangladesh, Nepal, Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia and Mali. Simavi is the lead agency of the WAI, the programme is managed by the WASH Alliance Management Unit located at Simavi.

  • Basic drinking water supply and basic sanitation

Participating Organisations

Amref Health Africa in Kenya International NGO Implementing
Amref Flying Doctors International NGO Funding
Amref Flying Doctors International NGO Accountable
Amref Flying Doctors International NGO Implementing


Transaction Value Provider
Type Date


279,592 USD
  • 250,000 EUR (Valued at Mar 23, 2016)
    date_range Jan 01, 2016 - Dec 31, 2016
access_time Updated on Apr 28, 2017 12:30:54