Zimbabwe Joint Response: Emergency response to address basic (food) needs, support agricultural production and protection of livestock and improve access to productive assets
Ethiopia Joint Response 2: Provision of water services and hygiene promotion for drought affected individuals
Nigeria Joint Response 1: Improving access to basic health and protection services for Nigerian IDPs
Ethiopia Joint Response 1: Emergency Water Supply for drought affected populations
CAR Joint Response 2: Improved food security, livelihoods and protection services to conflict affected local populations and Internally Displaced Persons
Nigeria Joint Response 2: Improving acces to basic health and protection services for Nigerian IDPs in Adamawa State, Northeast Nigeria
Humanitarian Aid to Syria: Border-crossing Emergency Aid for Conflict Affected Syrians
Northern Iraq Joint Response 2: Food Security and Livelihoods in Ninewa Governate
South Sudan Joint Response 2: Food Security and Livelihoods in Unity State, South Sudan
Yemen Joint Response 2: Provision of life-saving health, nutrition and WASH services to populations affected by conflict in Aden and Abyan governorates, Yemen
Yemen Joint Response 1: Provision of life-saving water and sanitation services, health/medical and nutrition services to IDPs and other people affected by the conflict in Yemen
South Sudan Joint Response 1: Supporting the protection and rehabilitation of vulnerable host community, IDPs, and pastoral households’ production assets in Koch and Panyijar (Unity State)
Earthquake Emergency Response North West Syria (NWS) and Turkey
CAR Joint Response 3: Food security & livelihood and protection services for vulnernable conflict affected host communities and IDPs
Jemen SHO: Emergency Food Security Support through food vouchers to extremely vulnerable families
Yemen Joint Response 6: Provision of Health services to IDPs and conflict affected communities in Yemen
Northwest Syria Joint Response 2020: multi-purpose cash and health for newly displaced IDPs
CAR Joint Response 6, Food Security & Livelihoods, Protection and (reproductive) health for vulnerable conflict affected IDPs and host communities
Somalia SHO: Health and nutrition aid for IDPs and local population
Yemen Joint Response 7: Provision of Health services to IDPs and conflict affected communities in Yemen
DR Congo Joint Response 4: Protection for vulnerable conflict affected IDP's and host communities
South Sudan Joint Response 3: Food security and protection for vulnerable populations in Aweil South county, South Sudan.
Syria Joint Response 3: Health Care and Protection for Syrian IDPs and Local Communities
Somalia Joint Response 2: Safe water and cash transfers for drought affected vulnerable populations in Mudug region
Iraq Joint Response 3: Psychosocial care for male IDPs, returnees and remainees from Mosul/Hawija
Afghanistan Joint Response 3: Emergency assistance to enable vulnerable conflict, natural disaster affected and Intenally Displaced Persons, returning Afghans and their host communities to meet their basic food, shelter&NFI, WASH and nutrition needs.
Afghanistan Joint Response: Improved access to quality food, adequate shelter and safe water for Afghan returnees, IDPs and host families
Nigeria Joint Response 3: Capacity building and expanding of local health care and nutrition services
CAR Joint Response 4: Food Security & Livelihoods and Protection for vulnerable conflict affected IDP's and host communities
DRC Joint Response 1: WASH, Health and Protection services for vulnerable conflict affected host communities and IDPs
Yemen Joint Response 4: Provision of life-saving health/medical services to IDPs and other people affected by conflict
Northern Iraq Joint Response 1: Improving Access to Basic Health Services for Iraqi IDPs in Dohuk
Libya Floods Acute Crisis Joint Response 2023
Yemen Joint Response 2022-2023: Provision of Health services to IDPs and conflict affected communities in Yemen
Libya Floods Acute Crisis Joint Response (SV-IRC) 2023
Provision of material assistance (NFIs and Hygiene Kits) and health support to the IDP in Vinnitsya and Poltava Oblasts, through integrated protection approach
Provision of health, protection and PSS assistance to refugees that fled Ukraine, through a health team and PSS/protection capacity building
Provision of Health and Protection assistance to Refugees that fled Ukraine, through the deployment of 2 Health and Protection teams
Dioptra for Rapid and Rigorous Cost-Efficiency Analysis
Platform for Humanitarian Knowledge Exchange - KUNO
CAM Joint Response (SV-IRC): Protection, WASH and Food Security for vulnerable conflict affected IDP's and host communities
Immediate humanitarian assistance to the people of Ukraine in the wake of the Russian Federation’s military offensive
Ukraine Emergency Response on Humanitarian Mine Action
NW Syria Joint Response (NW SJR): multi-purpose cash, health and protection for newly displaced IDPs
Tackling barriers to cash and voucher assistance
Burkina Faso Acute Joint Response - Integrated WASH / Health programming, focusing on vulnerable children under 5 and host population living with IDPs
Yemen Joint Response 3: Provision of life-saving water and sanitation and health/medical services to IDPs and other people affected by conflict
Ethiopia JR ACM Covid response
Promoting equitable access to COVID-19 vaccinations for the most vulnerable groups among Rohingya refugees and Host communities
COVAX initiative roll-out support - Yemen
DR Congo Joint Response 3: Protection for vulnerable conflict affected IDP's and host communities.
Afghanistan Joint Response 2: Emergency assistance to enable vulnerable conflict affected people, IDPs and returnees from Pakistan and Iran to meet their basic food, shelter&NFI and WASH needs.
Burkina Faso Joint Response: WASH for vulnerable conflict affected IDP's and host communities
South Sudan SHO: Support mobile clinical teams for integrated emergency health and nutrition aid
Afghanistan Joint Response 2022-2023, Health programme for conflict affected host communities and IDPs
Supporting Women Affected by the Earthquake in Northwest Syria
Provision of emergency health and protection response and ensuring the access of the community (including those affected by the quake) to health
Provision of Protection, WASH and Livelihood services
Provision of Health, Nutrition, WASH, and Protection services
Empowering Vulnerable Children Affected by the Earthquake in North-West Syria through Individual Protection Assistance (IPA).
Establishment of Prefabricated PHC in Hatay Camp
Enhancing WASH Services for Post-Earthquake Camps at Hatay
Supporting Women affected by the Earthquake in Northwest Syria
Supporting the most vulnerable individuals affected by the earthquake through the rehabilitation the vital markets
Provision of integrated life-saving general, RH and mental health assistance to the most affected population in NW Syria.
Ensure equitable access for quality health services to the most vulnerable people, IDPs and host communities in North West Syria.
Jordan ARC: Adressing Root Causes: Access to Justice and Jobs in Jordan
CAR Joint Response 1: Provision of Food Security, Livelihoods and Protection services for CAR IDPs and conflict-affected populations
Syria Joint Response 1: Primary Health and Psycho-social Care for Conflict-affected Populations And GBV Survivors in Northern Syria.
Syrian Joint Response 2: Provision of Quality Primary Health Care and Child Protection to Syrian IDPs and communities
Reducing root causes of conflict, instability and irregular migration through sustainable livelihoods, improved governance and functioning rule of law in Afghanistan
Dutch Knowledge Centre on Humanitarian Aid (DKCHA) Act.nr 4000000194 / 6000145
Afghanistan Joint Response 3, Drought top-up: distribution of cash for food to drought affected communities and IDPs
CAR Joint Response 5: Food Security & Livelihoods and Protection for vulnerable conflict affected IDP's and host communities
Yemen Joint Response 5: Provision of Health services to IDPs and conflict affected communities in Yemen
Afghanistan Joint Response 4 (2019): provision of WASH, multi-purpose cash and shelter services to IDPs, returnees and conflict affected host populations in Afghanistan AND Cash for Shelter repair for flood affected households
Systematic Cost Analysis Tool
CAM Joint Response: Protection, Health, WASH and Food Security for vulnerable conflict affected IDP's and host communities
National appeal 'Samen in actie voor Beiroet'
Lebanon Joint Response: Provision of Emergency Cash Assistance to refugees and other vulnerable people in the blast affected areas of Greater Beirut
CAR Joint Response 7, Food Security & Livelihoods, Protection and (reproductive) health for vulnerable conflict affected IDPs and host communities
Promoting access to COVID-19 vaccinations for Internally Displaced People in Borno State
Somalia Drought AC JR: Multi-Purpose Cash and WASH for vulnerable IDPs and host communities
Emergency multisectoral assistance to conflict-affected people residing in Ukraine
Ethiopia ACM Tigray JR
Humanitarian Mine Action for conflict affected populations in Ukraine
Direct support to health facilities, medical staff, NGOs and physicians in Ukraine with medication and medical equipment.
Strengthening a survivor-centred, holistic response to conflict-related sexual violence in the Ukraine crisis
Gap filling assistance for winterization activities in eastern Ukraine
Provision of cash assistance to Conflict-Affected populations in Moldova
Summer clothing and Hygiene kits distribution Hatay
Support to health facility and shelters in L’viv Oblast for IDPs fleeing the conflict in Ukraine
Emergency child protection services for vulnerable children affected by the earthquake in North-West Syria
Education and Protection for Earthquake affected families in Adana and Diyarbakir Turkey
Life-saving WASH and Shelter&NFI assistance to host communities and IDPs affected by cyclone Mocha in Rakhine State, Myanmar
Pakistan DRA Flood Response: To provide lifesaving assistance to flood-affected communities, especially vulnerable women and children in Khyber Pakhtunkwa Province
Somalia Bay AC JR: Life-saving health and nutrition services to vulnerable drought-affected
households including multipurpose cash assistance to meet their basic food and non-food needs
Support the MHPSS needs in Hatay
Life-saving health and nutrition services to vulnerable drought-affected households including multipurpose cash assistance to meet their basic food and non-food needs
Ethiopia Protracted JR: WASH and Multi Purpose Cash for conflict affected IDPs and host community in Oromia Region, Ethiopia
Sudan DRA ACM 2023
Food packages for war affected population in Ukraine
Provision of integrated life-saving general, RH and mental health assistance to the most affected population in NW Syria.
Sustaining access to PHC services in EQ affected areas through two PHC centers in NWS
Providing Sexual Health and Psycho-Social Trainings to Syrians under Temporary Protection Women Affected by Earthquake in Adıyaman
Supporting families in Hatay
Life Saving Emergency Health Response through supporting Primary Health Services
Christmas for Children of Ukraine
Towards strengthened local communities
Improved access to MHPSS services in Ukraine