Stichting Vluchteling

roomStadhouderslaan 28, 2517 HZ Den Haag, The Netherlands
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  • Total Commitments

    $71.3 M
  • Total Disbursements

    $67.19 M
  • Total Expenditures

    $1.9 M
  • Total Incoming Funds

    $62.39 M
  • Zimbabwe Joint Response: Emergency response to address basic (food) needs, support agricultural production and protection of livestock and improve access to productive assets IATI

    • date_range Jul 01, 2016 - Dec 31, 2016
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 540,209 USD
  • Ethiopia Joint Response 2: Provision of water services and hygiene promotion for drought affected individuals IATI

    • date_range Jun 16, 2016 - Dec 15, 2016
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 519,611 USD
  • Nigeria Joint Response 1: Improving access to basic health and protection services for Nigerian IDPs IATI

    • date_range May 16, 2015 - May 15, 2016
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 1,234,866 USD
  • Ethiopia Joint Response 1: Emergency Water Supply for drought affected populations IATI

    • date_range Nov 15, 2015 - May 15, 2016
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 638,897 USD
  • CAR Joint Response 2: Improved food security, livelihoods and protection services to conflict affected local populations and Internally Displaced Persons IATI

    • date_range Jun 01, 2016 - Mar 31, 2017
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 804,665 USD
  • Nigeria Joint Response 2: Improving acces to basic health and protection services for Nigerian IDPs in Adamawa State, Northeast Nigeria IATI

    • date_range May 16, 2016 - May 15, 2017
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 1,257,651 USD
  • Humanitarian Aid to Syria: Border-crossing Emergency Aid for Conflict Affected Syrians IATI

    • date_range Apr 01, 2014 - Dec 31, 2014
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 5,298,349 USD
  • Northern Iraq Joint Response 2: Food Security and Livelihoods in Ninewa Governate IATI

    • date_range Jan 01, 2016 - Nov 30, 2016
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 2,079,853 USD
  • South Sudan Joint Response 2: Food Security and Livelihoods in Unity State, South Sudan IATI

    • date_range Jan 01, 2016 - Dec 31, 2016
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 1,014,320 USD
  • Yemen Joint Response 2: Provision of life-saving health, nutrition and WASH services to populations affected by conflict in Aden and Abyan governorates, Yemen IATI

    • date_range Dec 01, 2015 - Nov 30, 2016
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 1,101,296 USD
  • Yemen Joint Response 1: Provision of life-saving water and sanitation services, health/medical and nutrition services to IDPs and other people affected by the conflict in Yemen IATI

    • date_range Jun 01, 2015 - Nov 30, 2015
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 1,474,870 USD
  • South Sudan Joint Response 1: Supporting the protection and rehabilitation of vulnerable host community, IDPs, and pastoral households’ production assets in Koch and Panyijar (Unity State) IATI

    • date_range Jan 01, 2015 - Dec 31, 2015
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 1,082,898 USD
  • Earthquake Emergency Response North West Syria (NWS) and Turkey IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-SYR-23-00096-SHO
    • date_range Feb 07, 2023 - Sep 30, 2023
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 2,296,088 USD
  • CAR Joint Response 3: Food security & livelihood and protection services for vulnernable conflict affected host communities and IDPs IATI

    • date_range Apr 01, 2017 - Dec 31, 2017
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 394,399 USD
  • Jemen SHO: Emergency Food Security Support through food vouchers to extremely vulnerable families IATI

    • date_range Mar 01, 2017 - Oct 31, 2017
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 1,291,240 USD
  • Yemen Joint Response 6: Provision of Health services to IDPs and conflict affected communities in Yemen IATI

    • date_range Jan 01, 2020 - Dec 31, 2020
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 911,510 USD
  • Northwest Syria Joint Response 2020: multi-purpose cash and health for newly displaced IDPs IATI

    • date_range Feb 20, 2020 - Aug 19, 2020
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 594,072 USD
  • CAR Joint Response 6, Food Security & Livelihoods, Protection and (reproductive) health for vulnerable conflict affected IDPs and host communities IATI

    • date_range Jan 01, 2020 - Dec 31, 2020
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 1,258,291 USD
  • Somalia SHO: Health and nutrition aid for IDPs and local population IATI

    • date_range Mar 06, 2017 - Feb 28, 2018
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 561,746 USD
  • Yemen Joint Response 7: Provision of Health services to IDPs and conflict affected communities in Yemen IATI

    • date_range Jan 01, 2021 - Dec 31, 2021
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 990,296 USD
  • DR Congo Joint Response 4: Protection for vulnerable conflict affected IDP's and host communities IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-DRC-21.1-DRA
    • date_range Jan 01, 2021 - Dec 31, 2021
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 948,548 USD
  • South Sudan Joint Response 3: Food security and protection for vulnerable populations in Aweil South county, South Sudan. IATI

    • date_range Mar 01, 2017 - Dec 31, 2017
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 1,699,040 USD
  • Syria Joint Response 3: Health Care and Protection for Syrian IDPs and Local Communities IATI

    • date_range Mar 01, 2017 - Dec 31, 2017
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 722,154 USD
  • Somalia Joint Response 2: Safe water and cash transfers for drought affected vulnerable populations in Mudug region IATI

    • date_range Feb 16, 2017 - Aug 15, 2017
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 559,892 USD
  • Iraq Joint Response 3: Psychosocial care for male IDPs, returnees and remainees from Mosul/Hawija IATI

    • date_range Mar 01, 2017 - Dec 31, 2017
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 490,092 USD
  • Afghanistan Joint Response 3: Emergency assistance to enable vulnerable conflict, natural disaster affected and Intenally Displaced Persons, returning Afghans and their host communities to meet their basic food, shelter&NFI, WASH and nutrition needs. IATI

    • date_range Jan 01, 2018 - Dec 31, 2018
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 1,187,630 USD
  • Afghanistan Joint Response: Improved access to quality food, adequate shelter and safe water for Afghan returnees, IDPs and host families IATI

    • date_range Dec 01, 2016 - May 31, 2017
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 672,468 USD
  • Nigeria Joint Response 3: Capacity building and expanding of local health care and nutrition services IATI

    • date_range May 16, 2017 - Dec 31, 2017
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 680,282 USD
  • CAR Joint Response 4: Food Security & Livelihoods and Protection for vulnerable conflict affected IDP's and host communities IATI

    • date_range Jan 01, 2018 - Dec 31, 2018
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 852,024 USD
  • DRC Joint Response 1: WASH, Health and Protection services for vulnerable conflict affected host communities and IDPs IATI

    • date_range Mar 01, 2018 - Nov 30, 2018
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 669,449 USD
  • Yemen Joint Response 4: Provision of life-saving health/medical services to IDPs and other people affected by conflict IATI

    • date_range Jan 01, 2018 - Feb 28, 2019
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 2,542,373 USD
  • Northern Iraq Joint Response 1: Improving Access to Basic Health Services for Iraqi IDPs in Dohuk IATI

    • date_range Jan 01, 2015 - Sep 30, 2015
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 1,373,299 USD
  • Libya Floods Acute Crisis Joint Response 2023 IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-LIB-23-ACJR-DRA
    • date_range Sep 17, 2023 - Mar 16, 2024
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 2,189,118 USD
  • Yemen Joint Response 2022-2023: Provision of Health services to IDPs and conflict affected communities in Yemen IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-YEM-22.1-DRA
    • date_range Jan 01, 2022 - Dec 31, 2023
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 2,100,894 USD
  • Libya Floods Acute Crisis Joint Response (SV-IRC) 2023 IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-LIB-23-ACJR-SV-IRC
    • date_range Sep 27, 2023 - Mar 16, 2024
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 560,299 USD
  • Provision of material assistance (NFIs and Hygiene Kits) and health support to the IDP in Vinnitsya and Poltava Oblasts, through integrated protection approach IATI

    • date_range Mar 10, 2022 - Oct 09, 2022
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 1,178,479 USD
  • Provision of health, protection and PSS assistance to refugees that fled Ukraine, through a health team and PSS/protection capacity building IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-MOL-22.1-SHO
    • date_range May 01, 2022 - Jan 31, 2023
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 558,158 USD
  • Provision of Health and Protection assistance to Refugees that fled Ukraine, through the deployment of 2 Health and Protection teams IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-POL-22-3-SHO
    • date_range May 01, 2022 - Oct 31, 2022
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 291,005 USD
  • Dioptra for Rapid and Rigorous Cost-Efficiency Analysis IATI

    • date_range Jul 01, 2021 - Mar 31, 2022
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 479,773 USD
  • Platform for Humanitarian Knowledge Exchange - KUNO IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-NLD-20-1-BZ
    • date_range Jan 01, 2020 - Dec 31, 2023
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 814,448 USD
  • CAM Joint Response (SV-IRC): Protection, WASH and Food Security for vulnerable conflict affected IDP's and host communities IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-CAMJR-19.2-SV-IRC
    • date_range Jun 13, 2019 - Feb 12, 2020
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 849,887 USD
  • Immediate humanitarian assistance to the people of Ukraine in the wake of the Russian Federation’s military offensive IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-UKR-22-2-SHO
    • date_range Mar 01, 2022 - Dec 31, 2022
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 902,338 USD
  • Ukraine Emergency Response on Humanitarian Mine Action IATI

    • date_range Apr 01, 2022 - Aug 31, 2022
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 591,092 USD
  • NW Syria Joint Response (NW SJR): multi-purpose cash, health and protection for newly displaced IDPs IATI

    • date_range Jun 26, 2019 - Dec 25, 2019
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 2,414,504 USD
  • Tackling barriers to cash and voucher assistance IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-GLOB-19.5-DRA
    • date_range Dec 01, 2019 - Sep 30, 2021
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 660,473 USD
  • Burkina Faso Acute Joint Response - Integrated WASH / Health programming, focusing on vulnerable children under 5 and host population living with IDPs IATI

    • date_range Dec 30, 2021 - Jun 29, 2022
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 594,497 USD
  • Yemen Joint Response 3: Provision of life-saving water and sanitation and health/medical services to IDPs and other people affected by conflict IATI

    • date_range Mar 01, 2017 - Dec 31, 2017
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 714,827 USD
  • Ethiopia JR ACM Covid response IATI

    • date_range Sep 09, 2020 - May 07, 2021
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 545,474 USD
  • Promoting equitable access to COVID-19 vaccinations for the most vulnerable groups among Rohingya refugees and Host communities IATI

    • date_range Aug 01, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 388,608 USD
  • COVAX initiative roll-out support - Yemen IATI

    • date_range Jul 26, 2021 - Apr 30, 2022
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 378,995 USD
  • DR Congo Joint Response 3: Protection for vulnerable conflict affected IDP's and host communities. IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-DRC-20.1-DRA
    • date_range Jan 01, 2020 - Dec 31, 2020
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 1,228,610 USD
  • Afghanistan Joint Response 2: Emergency assistance to enable vulnerable conflict affected people, IDPs and returnees from Pakistan and Iran to meet their basic food, shelter&NFI and WASH needs. IATI

    • date_range Jun 01, 2017 - Dec 31, 2017
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 611,779 USD
  • Burkina Faso Joint Response: WASH for vulnerable conflict affected IDP's and host communities IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-BKF-19.3-DRA
    • date_range Dec 01, 2019 - Sep 30, 2020
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 732,566 USD
  • South Sudan SHO: Support mobile clinical teams for integrated emergency health and nutrition aid IATI

    • date_range Mar 15, 2017 - Aug 31, 2017
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 1,932,834 USD
  • Afghanistan Joint Response 2022-2023, Health programme for conflict affected host communities and IDPs IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-AFG-22.1-DRA
    • date_range Jan 01, 2022 - Dec 31, 2023
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 2,059,055 USD
  • Supporting Women Affected by the Earthquake in Northwest Syria IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-SYR-23-00199-SHO
    • date_range Sep 01, 2023 - May 01, 2024
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 68,818 USD
  • Provision of emergency health and protection response and ensuring the access of the community (including those affected by the quake) to health IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-SYR-23-00146-SHO
    • date_range Jun 15, 2023 - Jan 15, 2024
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 585,566 USD
  • Provision of Protection, WASH and Livelihood services IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-YEM-24-00208
    • date_range Jan 01, 2024 - Dec 31, 2026
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 1,145,554 USD
  • Provision of Health, Nutrition, WASH, and Protection services IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-SDN-24-1-DRA
    • date_range Jan 01, 2024 - Dec 31, 2026
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 1,946,067 USD
  • Empowering Vulnerable Children Affected by the Earthquake in North-West Syria through Individual Protection Assistance (IPA). IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-SYR-24-00296-SHO
    • date_range Apr 01, 2024 - Aug 31, 2024
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 111,262 USD
  • Establishment of Prefabricated PHC in Hatay Camp IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-TUR-23-00258-SHO
    • date_range Jan 15, 2024 - Dec 31, 2024
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 441,337 USD
  • Enhancing WASH Services for Post-Earthquake Camps at Hatay IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-TUR-24-00312-SHO
    • date_range May 01, 2024 - Oct 31, 2024
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 177,800 USD
  • Supporting Women affected by the Earthquake in Northwest Syria IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-SYR-24-00313-SHO
    • date_range May 01, 2024 - Oct 31, 2024
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 174,988 USD
  • Supporting the most vulnerable individuals affected by the earthquake through the rehabilitation the vital markets IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-SYR-24-00322-SHO
    • date_range May 15, 2024 - Oct 15, 2024
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 351,349 USD
  • Provision of integrated life-saving general, RH and mental health assistance to the most affected population in NW Syria. IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-SYR-24-00327-SHO
    • date_range Jun 01, 2024 - Nov 30, 2024
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 420,313 USD
  • Ensure equitable access for quality health services to the most vulnerable people, IDPs and host communities in North West Syria. IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-SYR-24-00317-SHO
    • date_range May 01, 2024 - Oct 31, 2024
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 401,749 USD
  • Jordan ARC: Adressing Root Causes: Access to Justice and Jobs in Jordan IATI

    • date_range Dec 01, 2016
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 0 USD
  • CAR Joint Response 1: Provision of Food Security, Livelihoods and Protection services for CAR IDPs and conflict-affected populations IATI

    • date_range May 20, 2015 - Mar 31, 2016
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 1,950,054 USD
  • Syria Joint Response 1: Primary Health and Psycho-social Care for Conflict-affected Populations And GBV Survivors in Northern Syria. IATI

    • date_range May 01, 2015 - Feb 29, 2016
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 890,129 USD
  • Syrian Joint Response 2: Provision of Quality Primary Health Care and Child Protection to Syrian IDPs and communities IATI

    • date_range Mar 01, 2016 - Feb 28, 2017
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 2,398,698 USD
  • Reducing root causes of conflict, instability and irregular migration through sustainable livelihoods, improved governance and functioning rule of law in Afghanistan IATI

    • date_range Jan 01, 2017 - Dec 31, 2021
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 2,198,825 USD
  • Dutch Knowledge Centre on Humanitarian Aid (DKCHA) 4000000194 / 6000145 IATI

    • date_range Jan 01, 2017 - Dec 31, 2019
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 618,363 USD
  • Afghanistan Joint Response 3, Drought top-up: distribution of cash for food to drought affected communities and IDPs IATI

    • date_range Jul 01, 2018 - Dec 31, 2018
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 385,881 USD
  • CAR Joint Response 5: Food Security & Livelihoods and Protection for vulnerable conflict affected IDP's and host communities IATI

    • date_range Jan 01, 2019 - Dec 31, 2019
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 894,732 USD
  • Yemen Joint Response 5: Provision of Health services to IDPs and conflict affected communities in Yemen IATI

    • date_range Jan 01, 2019 - Dec 31, 2019
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 1,227,701 USD
  • Afghanistan Joint Response 4 (2019): provision of WASH, multi-purpose cash and shelter services to IDPs, returnees and conflict affected host populations in Afghanistan AND Cash for Shelter repair for flood affected households IATI

    • date_range Jan 01, 2019 - Dec 31, 2019
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 2,194,097 USD
  • Systematic Cost Analysis Tool IATI

    • date_range Dec 01, 2018 - Mar 31, 2020
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 893,783 USD
  • CAM Joint Response: Protection, Health, WASH and Food Security for vulnerable conflict affected IDP's and host communities IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-CAMJR-19.2-DRA
    • date_range Jun 13, 2019 - Feb 12, 2020
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 2,257,884 USD
  • National appeal 'Samen in actie voor Beiroet' IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-LEB-20.1-SHO
    • date_range Aug 07, 2020 - May 07, 2021
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 1,583,086 USD
  • Lebanon Joint Response: Provision of Emergency Cash Assistance to refugees and other vulnerable people in the blast affected areas of Greater Beirut IATI

    • date_range Aug 10, 2020 - Feb 09, 2021
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 565,663 USD
  • CAR Joint Response 7, Food Security & Livelihoods, Protection and (reproductive) health for vulnerable conflict affected IDPs and host communities IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-CAR-21.1-DRA
    • date_range Jan 01, 2021 - Dec 31, 2021
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 1,081,500 USD
  • Promoting access to COVID-19 vaccinations for Internally Displaced People in Borno State IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-NGR-21.4-SHO
    • date_range Nov 01, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 379,792 USD
  • Somalia Drought AC JR: Multi-Purpose Cash and WASH for vulnerable IDPs and host communities IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-SOM-22.1-DRA
    • date_range Jan 28, 2022 - Jul 27, 2022
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 534,913 USD
  • Emergency multisectoral assistance to conflict-affected people residing in Ukraine IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-UKR-22-3-SHO
    • date_range Mar 01, 2022 - Dec 31, 2022
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 893,404 USD
  • Ethiopia ACM Tigray JR IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-ETH-21.1-DRA
    • date_range Feb 04, 2021 - May 31, 2022
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 1,141,183 USD
  • Humanitarian Mine Action for conflict affected populations in Ukraine IATI

    • date_range Dec 01, 2022 - Nov 30, 2023
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 394,273 USD
  • Direct support to health facilities, medical staff, NGOs and physicians in Ukraine with medication and medical equipment. IATI

    • date_range Apr 01, 2022 - Dec 31, 2022
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 709,311 USD
  • Strengthening a survivor-centred, holistic response to conflict-related sexual violence in the Ukraine crisis IATI

    • date_range Jul 01, 2022 - Dec 31, 2022
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 134,544 USD
  • Gap filling assistance for winterization activities in eastern Ukraine IATI

    • date_range Dec 01, 2022 - May 31, 2023
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 590,770 USD
  • Provision of cash assistance to Conflict-Affected populations in Moldova IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-MOL-22-2
    • date_range Jun 01, 2022 - Sep 30, 2022
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 569,907 USD
  • Summer clothing and Hygiene kits distribution Hatay IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-TUR-23-00142-SHO
    • date_range May 01, 2023 - Jun 30, 2023
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 47,930 USD
  • Support to health facility and shelters in L’viv Oblast for IDPs fleeing the conflict in Ukraine IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-UKR-22-6-SHO
    • date_range Mar 21, 2022 - Sep 20, 2022
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 454,217 USD
  • Emergency child protection services for vulnerable children affected by the earthquake in North-West Syria IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-SYR-23-00141-SHO
    • date_range Jun 01, 2023 - Nov 30, 2023
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 80,822 USD
  • Education and Protection for Earthquake affected families in Adana and Diyarbakir Turkey IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-TUR-23-00119-SHO
    • date_range May 01, 2023 - Apr 30, 2024
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 595,066 USD
  • Life-saving WASH and Shelter&NFI assistance to host communities and IDPs affected by cyclone Mocha in Rakhine State, Myanmar IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-MYA-23-00172-DRA
    • date_range May 26, 2023 - Nov 25, 2023
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 464,084 USD
  • Pakistan DRA Flood Response: To provide lifesaving assistance to flood-affected communities, especially vulnerable women and children in Khyber Pakhtunkwa Province IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-PAK-22-1-DRA
    • date_range Sep 18, 2022 - Mar 17, 2023
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 481,451 USD
  • Somalia Bay AC JR: Life-saving health and nutrition services to vulnerable drought-affected households including multipurpose cash assistance to meet their basic food and non-food needs IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-SOM-22-3-DRA
    • date_range Oct 01, 2022 - Mar 31, 2023
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 598,612 USD
  • Support the MHPSS needs in Hatay IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-TUR-23-00175-SHO
    • date_range Jul 10, 2023 - Jul 09, 2024
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 597,301 USD
  • Life-saving health and nutrition services to vulnerable drought-affected households including multipurpose cash assistance to meet their basic food and non-food needs IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-SOM-223-DRA
    • date_range Oct 01, 2022 - Mar 31, 2023
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 598,612 USD
  • Ethiopia Protracted JR: WASH and Multi Purpose Cash for conflict affected IDPs and host community in Oromia Region, Ethiopia IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-ETH-22.1-DRA
    • date_range Jan 01, 2022 - Dec 31, 2023
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 1,239,834 USD
  • Sudan DRA ACM 2023 IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-SUD-23-00179-DRA
    • date_range Jun 13, 2023 - Dec 12, 2023
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 522,328 USD
  • Food packages for war affected population in Ukraine IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-UKR-23-04-SHO
    • date_range Jan 20, 2023 - Mar 28, 2023
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 347,793 USD
  • Provision of integrated life-saving general, RH and mental health assistance to the most affected population in NW Syria. IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-SYR-23-00214-SHO
    • date_range Oct 09, 2023 - May 08, 2024
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 333,020 USD
  • Sustaining access to PHC services in EQ affected areas through two PHC centers in NWS IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-SYR-23-00227-SHO
    • date_range Oct 25, 2023 - Apr 24, 2024
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 292,795 USD
  • Providing Sexual Health and Psycho-Social Trainings to Syrians under Temporary Protection Women Affected by Earthquake in Adıyaman IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-TUR-23-00230-SHO
    • date_range Dec 15, 2023 - May 15, 2024
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 58,559 USD
  • Supporting families in Hatay IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-TUR-23-00205-SHO
    • date_range Oct 01, 2023 - Feb 29, 2024
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 102,281 USD
  • Life Saving Emergency Health Response through supporting Primary Health Services IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-SYR-23-00213-SHO
    • date_range Oct 09, 2023 - May 08, 2024
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 294,837 USD
  • Christmas for Children of Ukraine IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-UKR-23-02-04-SHO
    • date_range Jan 01, 2023 - Feb 28, 2023
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 17,181 USD
  • Towards strengthened local communities IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-SYR-23-00198-SHO
    • date_range Nov 01, 2023 - Apr 30, 2024
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 58,559 USD
  • Improved access to MHPSS services in Ukraine IATI

    IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-41149486-UKR-23-05-SHO
    • date_range Feb 01, 2023 - Apr 30, 2023
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 117,009 USD