Netherlands Red Cross
room Postbus 28120, 2502 KC Den Haag
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Access to modern energy

IATI Identifier:

Not Published
  • date_range Jan 01, 2019 - Mar 31, 2020
  • autorenew Closed (Status)

Access to Modern Energy (AME) is increasingly recognised as an area of humanitarian concern. If communities affected by crises go without proper access to energy, it becomes impossible for them to meet the basic needs of life. Following the success of previous programmes and responding to the need for support,DCHI and RVO have launched the second Humanitarian Accelerator Programme for Access to Modern Energy (AME). Access to modern and clean energy is a precondition for social wellbeing and economic development, and is a key focus for DCHI. The energy transformation in humanitarian aid is still relatively new, and leaves many unknown aspects to be explored. The aim of the AME Accelerator Programme is to anchor the theme of access to modern energy within Dutch humanitarian organisations through participation in, and joint learning from, innovative pilot projects which support the energy transition in humanitarian contextsThe AME Humanitarian Accelerator Programme (HAP) followed DCHI’s funnel process, where the best proposals were selected, while maintaining focus on building confidence and introducing and encouraging collaboration between participants from different sectors. The programme brought transformation at three levels: introducing a new theme, bringing together new partners, and exploring new ways of working for the humanitarian sector. Successful pilots were connected to funding opportunities. The two main organisers of the AME Programme are RVO and DCHI. RVO contributes expertise, a network of energy experts, knowledge and lessons from previous energy projects, and funding and management support. DCHI brings humanitarian innovation expertise and facilitates the accelerator programme.


Participating Organisations

Rijksdienst Voor Ondernemend Nederland Government Accountable
Save the Children Netherlands International NGO Implementing
Mercy Corps Netherlands International NGO Implementing
Dorcas Aid International International NGO Implementing
Hivos International NGO Implementing
UNICEF Netherlands National Committee National NGO Implementing
Practical Action International NGO Implementing
ZOA International NGO Implementing
SNV International NGO Implementing


Transaction Value Provider
Type Date
Not Available Provider N/A Receiver N/A
Not Available Provider N/A Receiver N/A


52,566 USD
  • 46,857 EUR (Valued at Jan 01, 2020)
    date_range Mar 31, 2019 - Mar 30, 2020
access_time Updated on Oct 21, 2021 12:45:28