Royal Tropical Institute
room Mauritskade 63, 1092 AD Amsterdam, the Netherlands
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Share-Net Jordan

IATI Identifier:

Published on IATI
  • date_range Jan 01, 2020
  • autorenew Implementation (Status)

Share-Net Jordan (SN-JO) was established in 2016 as the knowledge platform on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights (SRH&RR). SN-JO is hosted by the Higher Population Council (HPC) and has 176 individual members and 16 organisational members (May 2021) from different sectors including academia, policy makers, practitioners and NGOs. The vision of Share-Net Jordan is that “people have the right to access high-quality health services and should be able to make informed decisions on their sexual and reproductive health”. The aim is to strengthen linkages between research, policy and practice through sharing, generating, translating and promoting the use of knowledge for the development of better policies and practices in SRH&RR. SN-JO achieves their objectives through stimulating the sharing of existing knowledge among platform participants, the generation of new knowledge to address prioritized research area gaps; translate knowledge into formats appropriate for intended audiences, so as to contribute to the application of knowledge in the field of SRH&RR in line with the international reporting obligations to effectively inform on SDGs; direct funding into SRH&RR priorities; build synergies among different stakeholders, partners, projects and programs; identify the most effective methods for facilitating uptake of evidence in policy and practice and stimulate an informed national sexual and reproductive health reproductive rights policy debate. SN-JO has a quarterly newsletter to inform stakeholders in the field of SRHR, and will continue to be very active in the use of different social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp. In 2020, some adjustments have been made on the website of SN-JO to make it more user-friendly for people living with a disability.

  • Reporting Organisation

Participating Organisations

Netherlands - Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government Funding
KIT International NGO Accountable
KIT International NGO Implementing


Transaction Value Provider
Type Date
Not Available Provider N/A Receiver N/A


253,047 USD
  • 103,000 EUR (Valued at Jan 01, 2020)
    date_range Jan 01, 2020 - Dec 31, 2020
  • 112,900 EUR (Valued at Dec 31, 2020)
    date_range Jan 01, 2020 - Dec 31, 2020
access_time Updated on Oct 21, 2021 15:28:22