Sociaal-Economische Raad
room Bezuidenhoutseweg 60, Den Haag
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International RBC Agreement for the Metals Sector

IATI Identifier: NL-KVK-27363950-IMVO-Metals

Published on IATI
  • date_range Jul 01, 2019 - Jun 30, 2024
  • autorenew Implementation (Status)

The International RBC Agreement for the Metals Sector is a multi-stakeholder initiative in which companies, industry associations, trade unions, NGOs and the government join forces to adress risks to people and the environment in the metals supply chains. The process is facilitated by the Dutch Social and Economic Council. The overall goal of the Agreement is to learn from each other and to increase leverage aimed at making international supply chains more sustainable and thereby contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Companies joining the Metals Agreement are expected to conduct due diligence in line with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the United Nations Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). The scope of the Agreement consist of companies that produce and/or rely on metals and metallurgical materials in their (production) processes and/or provide essential materials or services to enable this. The Agreement covers the entire supply chain of metals, from extraction to recycling. More information can be found on For the annual progress report of 2022-2023 see:

  • Responsible Business Conduct

Participating Organisations

Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government Funding
Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands Other Public Sector Funding
Private sector Parties Private Sector Funding
Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands Other Public Sector Accountable
Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government Implementing
Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy Government Implementing
Metaal Nederland Private Sector Implementing
European Association of Metals (Eurometaux) Private Sector Implementing
A&M Recycling B.V. | In2Waste Solutions Private Sector Implementing
Century Aluminum Vlissingen B.V. Private Sector Implementing
Climax Molybdenum B.V. Private Sector Implementing
Krommenhoek Metals B.V. Private Sector Implementing
Nyrstar Netherlands Holdings B.V. Private Sector Implementing
Tata Steel Nederland B.V. Private Sector Implementing
Uzimet B.V Private Sector Implementing
Wuppermann Staal Nederland B.V. Private Sector Implementing
Christelijk Nationaal Vakverbond (CNV) National NGO Implementing
Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging (FNV) National NGO Implementing
Global March against Child Labour National NGO Implementing
Stichting IUCN Nederlands Comité National NGO Implementing
Bettercoal Multilateral Implementing
FME Dutch Technology Association Private Sector Implementing
International Tin Association Multilateral Implementing
International Zinc Association Multilateral Implementing
Metaal Recycling Federatie Private Sector Implementing
Terre des Hommes National NGO Implementing
Smart-M B.V. Private Sector Implementing
Raak Metals B.V. Private Sector Implementing
Gooimeer Private Sector Implementing
MCB Nederland Private Sector Implementing
Kasius Private Sector Implementing
Royal IHC Private Sector Implementing


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access_time Updated on Apr 16, 2024 15:46:58