IATI Identifier:
TARGETS - The Palace of Justice in Tripoli. - Prisoners in the Lebanese places of detention at large. - 2300 pre-trial detainees / remand prisoners (male and female) will benefit from forensic consultations after the first period of arrest in Tripoli. - 70 prisoners (male and female) will benefit from documentation of torture practices in Tripoli region. - A minimum of one prisoner (male or female) will file a lawsuit alleging practices of torture. - 300 prisoners and ex-prisoners victims of torture and ill-treatment(male and female)will benefit from rehabilitation services. OBJECTIVES AND OUTCOMES OF THE PROJECT Overall Objective (OO): This project seeks to advocate for the prohibition of torture practices by ensuring that international and national legal norms for the prevention of torture and other ill-treatment are promoted, respected and implemented in Lebanon. Specific Objectives (SO): SO1:To increase transparency and promote accountability for acts of torture and legal justice in Lebanon. SO2:To enhance access of victims of torture and ill-treatment to documentation and quality rehabilitation services in Tripoli region. Expected Outcomes (Results): R.1.2: Successful implementation, tracking and evaluation methodologies of the pilot “Forensic and Psychological Examination Unit” in Tripoli are put in place. - Output 1.2.1:One methodology for the implementation and evaluation of the pilot of the Forensic and Psychological Examination Unit in Tripoli (in the form of a handbook). - Output 1.2.2: One brochure (2000 copies), serving as practical guidelines and awareness tools for the “Forensic and Psychological Examination Unit” in Tripoli. - Output 1.2.3:Updated data management software system at Restart Center, aimed to track and monitor the “Forensic and Psychological Examination Unit” in Tripoli. R.2.1: The right of pre-trial inmates and victims of torture to physical and psychological examination, documentation of torture and quality rehabilitation services is ensured. - Output 2.1.1:Forensic consultations and psychological counselling sessionsto 2.300 remand prisoners (male and female). - Output 2.1.2: Documentation of torture (based on Istanbul Protocol) and in-depth medical examination (including x-ray and laboratory tests when needed) to 70 prisoners (male and female) inside the judicial palace in Tripoli. - Output 2.1.3: A minimum of one lawsuit alleging practices of torture provided to one prisoner. - Output 2.1.4: Centre and prison-based rehabilitation services to 300 prisoners and ex-prisoners victims of torture and ill-treatment (male and female). National Strategies: In line with its five years’ strategic plan in lobbying for the full implementation of the UN-CAT and OPCAT in Lebanon, Restart Centreendeavours to initiate complementary actions that build on the national efforts made in the direction of preventing torture and ill-treatment in Lebanon. Specifically, this Action goes hand in hand with the current attempts headed for the designation of the Lebanese NPM and the criminalization of the act of torture. Furthermore, the proposed action seeks to complete the progressive legal reform done with regard to improving access of persons deprived of their liberty to legal justice and fair trial in Lebanon. Furthermore, the proposed action responds to the international call of the Subcommittee for the Prevention of Torture(SPT)and the Committee against Torture (CAT) in what relates to establishing an information system on the status of pending cases in all prisons in the country as well as ensuring the sustainability and effective implementation of the “Forensic examination Unit” inside the judicial palace in Tripoli respectively. ACTIVITIES OF THE PROJECT A.1.1.1:To develop a methodology for the implementation and evaluation of the pilot of the Forensic and Psychological Examination Unit in Tripoli, established within the EU funded project “Joint Action for an effective prosecution of torture and enhanced commitment to prevention of inherent crimes in Lebanon and Jordan” in June 2017. The methodology will take the form of a handbook and will comprise chapters on legal framework, roles and responsibilities, key ethical and legal principles of the Unit, referral pathway, physical safety; privacy and confidentiality, preparation for examination and interview, medical examination and Psychological interview, documentation, communication, referral, evaluation tools, indicators, etc. This handbook will be developed by national and international experts (20 working days). Outputs: One handbook (i.e. guidelines and tools) and one brochure (2000 copies) serving as practical guidelines and awareness tools for the “Forensic and Psychological Examination Unit” in Tripoli. A.1.1.2: To supplement the existing data management software system at Restart Center with additional features, aimed to track and monitor the “Forensic and Psychological Examination Unit” in Tripoli. Under this activity, Restart will assign one IT consultant in charge of ensuring that the system is compatible with the SPSS analytical program and designed in a way to serve the Center research, lobbying actions and quality of services. A data management coordinator will be also appointed to ensure development of minimum data settings and to liaise with all concerned personnel at the canter-based level. A.2.1.1: To provide forensic consultations and psychological counselling sessions (to non-recidivist prisoners showing traumatic symptoms) after the first period of arrest to 2.300 remand prisoners (male and female) in the judicial palace in Tripoli. Restart will report any cases displaying physical or mental disorders to the victim’s family and concerned judicial parties. Those released from the pre-trial detention will be referred to Restart Center for mental health services. A.2.1.2: 70 prisoners (male and female) will benefit from documentation of torture practices based on Istanbul Protocol in Tripoli region. In-depth medical screening (including x-ray and laboratory tests when needed) will be also provided to alleged victims of torture inside the judicial palace in Tripoli. A.2.1.3: A minimum of one prisoner (male or female) will file a lawsuit alleging practices of torture. A.2.1.4:300 prisoners and ex-prisoners victims of torture and ill-treatment (male and female) will benefit from rehabilitation services at the Center and prison-based levels (i.e. psychotherapy, psychological counselling, psychiatric services, neurological services, physiotherapy, and other medical consultations).
Name | Type | Role |
Restart Center | National NGO | Implementing |
Transaction Value |
Receiver |
Type | Date |
Not Available | Provider N/A Receiver N/A |