IATI Identifier:
The project is a one-year intervention, that seeks to strengthen the capacity of the state and by collaborating capacity of non-state actors to respond and address the needs of sexual and gender-based violence survivors. At a global level, the project contributes to the achievement of sustainable goal (SGD) 5 on gender equality and empower all women and girls and the 2030 agenda for sustainable development goal. In addition, the project aims to contribute towards the implementation of key actions for the further implementation of the program of Action of the ICPD as outlined during the Nairobi summit of ICPD 25 held in November 2019. Specifically, the project will focus on contributing towards agenda 5 (a and b) in the Nairobi Statement which seeks to address sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices, in particular child, early and forced marriages, and female genital mutilation, by committing to strive for; Zero sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices, including zero children, early and forced marriage, as well as zero female genital mutilation and elimination of all forms of discrimination against all women and girls, in order to realize all individuals’ full socio-economic potential. the project is aligned to the Netherlands government Human Rights Report 2017 that advances equal rights for women and girls in order to attain gender equality as well as freedom of expression in the usage of online spaces. Survivors of violence shall be encouraged to express their opinions, thoughts and share experiences using virtual spaces including the use of community media as part of interventions. Human rights defenders supporting survivors of violence shall also be involved in the project prioritizing their safety and security as well as enhancing their capacity as paralegals to innovatively operate virtually in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic in ensuring justice is not just seen but served for SGBV survivors. Furthermore, the project is aligned to UN Resolution 1325 that seeks to fight violence against women and girls and child marriage as well as global campaigns such as #Metoo and SheDecides also supported by the Dutch government and the EU Action plan on Human rights and democracy.
more_horizPublic sector policy and administrative management
Name | Type | Role |
Netherlands - Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Government | Funding |
Centre for Rights Education and Awareness | National NGO | Implementing |
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