Increasing household income, food security, female empowerment and resilience to climate change of 2,000 small-scale farmer households in 25 villages of DRC, Malawi and Rwanda
Increasing household income, food and livelihood security; strengthening community response and resilience to disasters; improving access to water and sanitation; and sustainably managing and protecting natural resources for indigenous and vulnerable rural people in North East Cambodia.
Enhancing resilience to climate change and increasing income for pastoralist, agro-pastoralist and drop-out pastoralist communities in three drought-prone districts of Borana zone, Southern Ethiopia
Increased equitable access to inclusive quality education for 400 children with disability (60% girls, 40% boys) in Western Equatoria, South Sudan.
Improving income, assets and food security of 3,200 women affected by conflict and poverty in South Kivu, DRC and Ruhango District, Rwanda
Increasing holistic services for SGBV survivors to improve the health, legal, socio-economic & gender equality status of SGBV survivors in DRC