LTS International Limited
room Pentland Science Park, Bush Loan, Penicuik EH26 0PL, Scotland, UK
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EACDS Lot B Assignment: Information and Analysis to Support Programme Design Scoping: Climate Science research for resilience and adaptation - Evidence Map [Climate and Resilience Framework Programme (CLARE)]

IATI Identifier:

Published on IATI
  • date_range Jan 09, 2020 - Mar 27, 2020
  • autorenew Finalisation (Status)

The Department for International Development (DFID) commissioned a review of climate science use in adaptation and resilience practice, to inform the development of their new climate and resilience research framework programme (CLARE). This programme, in partnership with the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), will provide evidence and innovation needed to climate-inform DFID and other UK Government investments threatened by climate change, particularly in Africa. LTS International (LTS) were commissioned to undertake an initial scoping study, with reference to the following question: “Within the process of enabling climate science to better support resilience and adaptation practice and achieve internationally agreed commitments, what is working and what is missing in its use, and which people and institutions are key contributors in this field?” The LTS team, which comprises both climate resilience and adaptation experts and climate scientists, conducted this scoping study using a light touch Rapid Evidence Assessment (REA) supported by expert consultation and key informant interviews (KIIs). The LTS team reviewed both relevant academic and grey literature, and interviewed climate scientists and development practitioners. The work focused on Africa with a light touch approach applied to South Asia and the Pacific. The assessment examined current research activities and priorities in the science to application chain. As a stark finding early on in the process, it was clear that in practice the reality of this chain is questionable. As a consequence, the assignment focused more strongly on the use of climate science in adaptation and resilience practice. A detailed assessment of climate science activities and priorities was beyond the scope of this study, however our initial findings, as detailed in this report, may inform future scoping work in this area.

  • Environmental policy and administrative management

Participating Organisations

LTS International Limited Private Sector Implementing
DAI Europe Private Sector Funding


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64,993 USD
  • 52,050 GBP (Valued at Apr 16, 2020)
    date_range Jan 09, 2020 - Mar 27, 2020
access_time Updated on Sep 16, 2020 18:55:59