Supporting the Board
Supporting countries interested in joining CoST
The Infrastructure Transparency Index
Developing monitoring and evaluation frameworks and capturing data
Supporting the assurance process
Scoping Studies
Scoping Studies
Institutionalising the CoST Disclosure Requirements
Build demand for the disclosure
Supporting the disclosure process
Supporting the assurance process
Supporting multi-stakeholder groups
Monitoring and supporting national programmes
Developing M&E frameworks and capturing data
The Infrastructure Transparency Index
Supporting countries interested in joining CoST
Provide technical assistance to participating countries
Building support for international programme
Supporting the Board
Maintaining and developing website, guidance materials and e-learning
Strategic Development
Research to support CoST
Institutionalising the CoST disclosure requirements
Building demand for disclosure
Building Support for the International programme
Research to support CoST
Provide technical assistance to participating countries
Maintaining and developing website, guidance materials and e-learning
Supporting multi-stakeholder groups
CoST Member and affiliate funding
Scoping studies
Overhead Costs
Developing tools, standards and guides
International and Regional Promotion
Technical assistance and support to Member and Affiliate programmes
Monitoring and Evaluation