NIHR Global Health Research Group on Physical Trauma from Injury & POsT ConflicT; iPrOTeCT
What is the cost of poor quality medicine? Estimating the prevalence, health impact and economic cost of substandard and falsified medicines in Indonesia in the age of Universal Health Coverage
NIHR Group on POsT Conflict Trauma (PrOTeCT) Trauma in Sri Lanka
NIHR RIGHT 1: Prevention of epilepsy from birth-related brain injury
NIHR Global Health Research Unit for Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes
NIHR Global Health Research Unit on the prevention and management of stillbirths and neonatal deaths in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia
NIHR Global Health Research Unit and Network for Diabetes and Cardiovascular disease in South Asia
AGROcotton: Agroforestry potential for sustainable cotton growing in Brazil for the fashion industry
Innovating with Mhealth in Peru for dementiA and Co-morbidiTies
NIHR Global Health Research Group on Digital Diagnostics for African Health Systems
NIHR Health Financing Fragmentation and Universal Health Coverage in Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and India
Addressing Health System Fragmentation to Advance Universal Health Coverage for Low Income Populations in Latin America
NIHR Global Health Research Centre for Non-communicable Diseases and Environmental Change