Supporting school principals as leaders in the curriculum reform in Lithuania
Enhancing English Language in the South Caucasus, Moldova and Belarus
Backstage to the Future - A CSO-led Combat against Human Trafficking and Unsafe Migration in Vietnam
Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education Innovation and Reform (SPHEIR)
Kulana Liltanmia Programme (KLP), previously the Citizen-State Engagement Programme in Sudan (CSEPS)
Programme d’Appui à la Jeunesse Tunisienne - EU4Youth: Composante 2 "Participation & inclusion des jeunes tunisien(ne)s à travers la création, l'accès à la culture et au sport au niveau local".
Newton fund, South Africa
Nepal DFID CoP26
Culture Bridges
European Union (EU) for Civil Society in Libya
European Union (EU)- Nepal Practical Partnership for Technical Vocational education and Training Reform (TVET PP)
Newton-Katip Celebi Fund, Turkey
Newton Fund, Thailand
Newton fund, Vietnam
Syria Peace Initiative - Building and Bonding Phase III
Kafaat Liljamia-Vers un système de formation professionnelle marocain de qualité, inclusif et axé sur le marché du travail.
Skills for All - Towards a quality vocational training system in Morocco, inclusive and focused on the labour market.
AAWAZ II: Reducing Exploitation, Promoting Inclusion. Aawaz in Urdu language means Voice.
Inclusive Schools II
Increased resilience of young women and men in Tripoli and surroundings
EU Scholarship Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community 2019-21
Civil Society Support Programme, Phase II (CSSP II)
Data and Research in Education (Technical Assistance to National Curriculum Council)
Sone Sie Programme
Chevening Scholarships
Improving the System of Professional Development of Teachers and School Leaders in Estonia
VET Toolbox, a Facility Promoting Inclusive Demand Driven VET 1 Skills Development
House of Europe
Strengthening Cross-Sectoral Collaboration for Social Cohesion (SC3) project
VET TOOLBOX 2: Enhanced Delivery of Demand-driven Skills Development for Investment in Africa
Agents for Citizen-Driven Transformation (ACT): Implementation Phases
Technical Assistance Facility for improving the business environment and wider investment climate through a structured dialogue (Investment Climate Reform (ICR) Facility)
Strengthening Reconciliation Processes in Sri Lanka (SRP)
Sone Sie (phase 2)
Skills for Prosperity
Tfanen-Tunisie Créative: Supporting the Strengthening of Tunisia's Cultural Sector
Governance in Justice II Programme - Philippines
Improving the quality of primary education (10-15ys) across the Western Balkans through critical thinking, problem solving and coding skills for students
EU Support to Higher Education in ASEAN Region (EU SHARE)
Europe Beyond Access
Better Migration Management II
Programme Coordination Office (PCO) for DFID Deepening Democracy in Nigeria Programme 2 (DDIN2)
Zambia Accountability Programme (ZAP)
Quality Education Strategic Support Programme (QESSP)
Ta'zeez - Independent Monitoring for DFID in Yemen Programme
Next Generation Kenya
Transparency, Accountability and Right to Information Fund Project (TARIF / PROKAS)
English and Digital for Girls' Education (EDGE)
Skills and Employment Programme in Bangladesh (SEP-B) (Sudokkho)
UKaid International Graduate Scholarship Scheme for the Ministry of Finance and Planning
Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning (CCGL)
Tabeer - Consolidating Democracy in Pakistan (CDIP)
Commonwealth Scholarships
Building Learning Foundations in Rwanda
Towards Results in Education and English (TREE)
Improving Citizens' Engagement on Issues of Public Interest
Kano Literacy and Numeracy Accelerator (KaLMA)
Supporting Effective Dispute Resolution in Sri Lanka (SEDR)
Capacity Building in Primary and Secondary Education: Improving Quality and Equality
Support to curricular reform in Croatia - Phase 4
EU Scholarship Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community 2021-23
EU Scheme for Young Professionals in BiH (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Reinventing displaced universities: enhancing competitiveness, serving communities
Newton fund, Jordan
Newton fund, Peru
Newton fund, Brazil
Newton fund, China
Newton fund, Egypt
Newton fund, Indonesia
Newton fund, Malaysia
Newton-Caldas Fund, Colombia
Newton Bhabha Fund, India
Newton Agham Fund
Platforms for Dialogue - Strengthening Inclusion and Participation in Decision Making and Accountability Mechanisms in Bangladesh
Enabling University Peace Education in Regional Conflict/post-conflict settings
Deepening Access to Justice in Myanmar Programme, (MYJUSTICE II)
Newton fund, Mexico
Western Balkans Media for Change
Empowerment and Development for Girls' Education
Partnership for Learning for All in Nigeria Education (PLANE) Accelerated Learning