GROW Movement

room24b Lupus Street Pimlico London SW1V 3DZ
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  • Total Commitments

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  • Increase household income and livelihood security for 38,000 people and create up to 2,400 jobs in Uganda, Rwanda and Malawi by providing free remote consulting to 1,200 local, micro and small business entrepreneurs IATI

    • date_range Feb 01, 2013
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 212,471 USD
  • Increase household income and livelihood security for 38,000 people and create up to 2,400 jobs in Uganda, Rwanda and Malawi by providing free remote consulting to 1,200 local, micro and small business entrepreneurs IATI

    • date_range Feb 01, 2013
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 881,398 USD