Humanity & Inclusion - Handicap International UK
room Romero House, 55 Westminster Bridge Road, London, SE1 7RB
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Inclusive futures in Rwanda: establishing and applying a set of national standards and norms in inclusive education

IATI Identifier:

Published on IATI
  • date_range Jan 01, 2013 - Mar 31, 2015
  • autorenew Closed (Status)

This project will focus on increasing the capacity of national institutions (Rwanda Education Board (REB), Kigali Institute of Education (KIE) and the Task Force for the Development of Inclusive Education in Rwanda (TFDIER)) in the development of a model (norms, standards and tools) to reinforce the quality of education for CWDs and other SENs.;

  • Primary education

Participating Organisations

VSO International NGO Implementing
UK - Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office Government Funding


Transaction Value Provider
Type Date
Not Available Provider N/A Receiver N/A


479,326 USD
  • 289,346 GBP (Valued at Jan 01, 2014)
    date_range Jan 01, 2014 - Jan 01, 2015
access_time Updated on Aug 13, 2021 13:25:44