Sense International

room101 Pentonville RoadLondonN1 9LG
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  • Total Commitments

  • Total Disbursements

    $3.12 M
  • Total Expenditures

    $3.26 M
  • Total Incoming Funds

    $2.8 M
  • SI Bangladesh IATI

    • date_range Apr 01, 2008 - Mar 31, 2013
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 466,505 USD
  • TO40 Disability Inclusive Covid-19 response in Kenya IATI

    IATI Identifier: GB-CHC-1076497-T040GB-CHC-207544-94001
    • date_range Jul 01, 2020
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 9,219 USD
  • T015 Nepal: Enhancing Inclusive Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and Livelihood Opportunities of Young PWD IATI

    IATI Identifier: GB-CHC-1076497-T015GB-CHC-207544-94001
    • date_range Jul 01, 2019
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 57,330 USD
  • TO51 Inclusive Education in Shinyanga and Mwanza Regions, Tanzania IATI

    IATI Identifier: GB-CHC-1076497-T051GB-CHC-207544-94001
    • date_range Jan 01, 2022
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 1,155,564 USD
  • TO45: Strengthening systems for the enrolment, retention and support of children with disabilities at primary level of mainstream education in Bangladesh IATI

    IATI Identifier: GB-CHC-1076497-TO45GB-CHC-207544-94001
    • date_range Apr 01, 2022
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 616,188 USD
  • Increasing access to inclusive quality education and lifelong learning for children and young adults with deafblindness in Bangladesh IATI

    • date_range Jul 01, 2018 - Jun 30, 2021
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 694,475 USD
  • TO6 Kenya: InBusiness - Disability Inclusive Business: Linking micro and small business owned by PWD to established commercial enterprises IATI

    • date_range May 31, 2019
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 80,668 USD
  • TO8 Pre-Primary and Primary Inclusive Education for Tanzania (PPPIET) – Foundation phase IATI

    • date_range Aug 16, 2019
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 29,577 USD
  • TO14 Nepal: Strengthening Systems of Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities in Nepal and Support at all levels of Early Childhood Development, Mainstream Education and Training IATI

    • date_range Jul 01, 2019
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 43,056 USD
  • TO12 Bangladesh: Disability Inclusive Vocational Training and Youth Employment IATI

    IATI Identifier: GB-CHC-1076497-T012GB-CHC-207544-94001
    • date_range Oct 15, 2019
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 308,054 USD
  • TO35 Disability Inclusive Covid-19 Response in Bangladesh IATI

    • date_range Jul 01, 2020
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 126,357 USD
  • T01 Design Phase & Compensation Event IATI

    • date_range Jul 17, 2018
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 30,456 USD
  • TO13: Strengthening systems for the enrolment, retention and support of children with disabilities at primary level of mainstream education in Bangladesh – Phase 1 IATI

    • date_range Jan 01, 2021
    • autorenew Closed (Status)
    Total Budget 42,077 USD
  • TO53 Strengthening Inclusive Education Systems and Services in Nepal IATI

    • date_range Jan 01, 2022
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 557,049 USD
  • Establishing early intervention services for infants with sensory impairments in Kenya and Uganda (UKAM) IATI

    • date_range Apr 01, 2016 - Jun 30, 2019
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 290,823 USD
  • Learning for All: Inclusive education for learners with complex disabilities in Kenya (plus Rapid Response programme) IATI

    • date_range Jul 15, 2019
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 693,824 USD
  • Improving developmental outcomes for children with complex disabilities in Garissa and Kwale Counties of rural Kenya IATI

    IATI Identifier: GB-CHC-1076497-UKAidMatch_205210_260_EarlyIntervention_Kenya
    • date_range Oct 01, 2020 - Sep 30, 2023
    • autorenew Finalisation (Status)
    Total Budget 472,021 USD
  • TO20 Promoting Inclusive Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) in Kenya IATI

    IATI Identifier: GB-CHC-1076497-T020GB-CHC-207544-94001
    • date_range Aug 01, 2019
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 132,164 USD
  • TO50 InBusiness Programme in Kenya IATI

    IATI Identifier: GB-CHC-1076497-T050GB-CHC-207544-94001
    • date_range Jan 01, 2022
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 369,624 USD