Global Grant to BBC Media Action
Support to the Public Broadcaster in Ukraine, UA:PBC
Combatting the COVID-19 ‘info-demic’ through media
Every Adolescent Girl Empowered and resilient (EAGER)
Improving access to family planning for people with disabilities in northern Nigeria
A National Conversation: engaging people across Tanzania in discussions that affect their everyday lives
Security and Justice Reform Programme in Nigeria (SJRP)
Accelerated Gender Equitable Adolescent Maternal and Child Intervention (AGAMI)
Zambia Speaks
Social media support to 2018 elections
Strengthening Citizens' Resistance against Prevalence of Corruption (SCRAP-C)
Niambie 1.2 extension
Communication for Healthy Behaviour, Achieving Reduced Malaria (CHARM)
‘Institutions for Inclusive Development’ (I4ID) (implementation phase)
Accountability and the Information Economy of Somalia – Implementation Phase
Baby WaSH- SNNPR Region
Community Cohesion through community media (2017-2020)
Consolidating media freedoms in Iraq
Life in Lulu and Strengthening voices: Improving the capacity and resilience of the radio sector in South Sudan
UNICEF Maternal Neonatal and Child Health
Comic Relief: Queen’s Young Leaders Grant Programme
Tusome Pamoja
Radio Waves, support to community radio stations in Zambia - SCALE UP
Tikambe (Let’s Talk) Phase Two
Shaping Demands and Practices – Digital Extension
Her Voice, Her Rights - Promoting the advancement of women’s and girls’ rights in Afghanistan
Advising on and designing behaviour change communications around counter-trafficking in persons
Kembali Ke Hutan (Return to the Forest) - increasing public understanding of forest management in Indonesia
Rohingya Response - Common Service for Community Engagement & Accountability
Communication outputs to increase understanding of Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights
Strengthening Child Health in Afghanistan – phase II
National Scale Up by Govt. of India for ICT Enabled Behavior Change Messaging
on reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health -Hardware and System Integration
Sundar Shanta Nepal: Strengthening local media capacity and collaboration for peace in Nepal
Nepal Earthquake Reconstruction: Radio and Outreach – phase 2
Klahan9 - an ‘edu-tainment’ multimedia initiative using radio, TV and social media to help equip young people in Cambodia for working life.
Improving urban sanitation: communications support to the Swachh Bharat Mission
Sanitation mobile academy - mobile-based training and networking service for sanitation facilitators
A Public-Private Partnership mHealth Intervention in Jharkhand and Uttarakhand, in the context of a wider roll out in the Empowered Action Group states
Kyat Chat: Making the most of migration and money
Myanmar Pyaw Ba (Myanmar Speaks) - an integrated national communication initiative to support a national dialogue for sustainable and inclusive peace in Myanmar
Strengthening the capacity of the Gulf’s online journalism and blogging community
“Med Media”: Working Towards Media Sector Reform in the Southern Mediterranean Region (ENPI)
Promoting freedom of expression and public dialogue in Macedonia
Support to the Public Broadcaster in Ukraine
Protecting Independent Media for Effective Development (PRIMED)
Ethiopia Migration Programme