Supporting momentum for gender-sensitive security sector reform in Yemen
Community security and conflict prevention in the Ferghana Valley Phase III
Sajhedari Bikass: Partnership for Local Development
Post 2015 - Advocacy with Emerging Powers (Phase I and II)
Conflict, Crime and Violence Results Initiative (CCVRI) Helpdesk
Addressing conflict and violence in the post-2015 development framework
Preventing and reducing violent conflict and promoting cooperative approaches to security building
Empowering young people to advocate for inclusive transitional and political processes in Yemen
Capacities for Peace - Learning and Evaluation
People to People Reconciliation - Point of View and Beyond in the Caucasus
Playing by the rules: Ensuring that EU Member States honour their arms-transfer-control obligations
Addressing conflict and violence in the post-2015 development framework
Promoting Peaceful and Inclusive Societies
Promoting Peaceful and Inclusive Societies
Integrating Conflict-Sensitivity in Land governance for conflict prevention and resolution
Promoting inclusive, accountable and legitimate political settlements in Africa
Galvanising responses by state and NSA to peace and security challenges in Kenya
Youth and National Dialogue Outcomes: Agents for Change at the Local Level
Programmatic Partnership Agreement
Enabling Civil Society to Contribute to more Effective, Inclusive and Accountable Public Security Policy and Programming in Nepal
Promoting participatory approaches to peacebuilding in KP and FATA of Pakistan
Institutionalising Comprehensive Police Reforms in Kenya: Towards equitable, responsive and accountable policing in Kenya
Conflict sensitive engagement in South Sudan: China's role
Promoting the Role of Youth in Peaceful Elections in Kenya
Building Effective Responses for Peaceful Elections in Kenya
Community Security and Peace Programme
Promoting a sustainable and locally-led community policing program in the Kyrgyz Republic
Restoring Stable Communities in Somalia
Improving Community Small Arms Light Weapons and Ammunition Control
Peace & Rights-Based Alternatives to Counter-Terror, Stabilisation and Statebuilding
Promoting dialogue and collaboration among youth in Kyrgyzstan
Conflict Prevention Partnerships for the 21st Century: China and the UK
Advisory Consortium on Conflict Sensitivity
Contributing to Poverty Reduction through Community Security and Peacebuilding
Peace Research Partnership
Challenging harmful and patriarchal gender norms for better mental health and peace and security, amongst women and girls and communities in the Wunlit Triangle
Community-based approaches to security in conflict-prone areas of the Caucasus
Rising Powers and Conflict Management in Central Asia
Refocusing small arms interventions on impact: Connecting global policy to community driven approaches to security
Supporting Electoral and Representative Democracy in Somaliland
Strengthening capacity of young women and men in Kyrgyzstan to promote peace and security
Promoting community policing approaches to address the root causes of support for violence and participation in violent groups in C5 countries.
Promoting a sustainable and locally-led community based policing in the Kyrgyz Republic
Tackling the illicit trade in proliferation-sensitive goods and technologies
Enhancing Women and Youth's Role in Peacebuilding in Yemen
Rebuilding Governance in Yemen
Enhancing womens role in peace and security in Yemen
Building peace and security through support to women‐led CSOs in Uzbekistan
Strengthening civic engagement of young women and men in Kyrgyzstan to prevent recruitment into violent and criminal groups, and address local security concerns
Peace and Resilience Project in South Sudan
Resourcing Change: Supporting Women’s Rights Organisations (WROs) in Fragile and Conflict Affected States (FCAS)
Supporting civil society to deliver inclusive, locally-led peacebuilding initiatives in the Ferghana Valley
Building Constituencies for Peaceful Change
Preventing and reducing violent conflict and promoting cooperative approaches to security building
Gender-sensitive community security and conflict prevention in the Ferghana Valley
Towards Peaceful and Secure 2012 Presidential Elections in Kenya
Empowering civil society actors in Kyrgyzstan to contribute to policing and other security issues
Strengthening the participation of Somali NSAs in decision-making on peace, security and development (Phases 2-5)
Council decision 2012/121/CFSP in support of activities to promote EU-China-Africa dialogue and co-operation on conventional arms control
Strengthening women's public voice in Egypt, Libya and Yemen
Improving conditions for reconstruction and development in Bangladesh, South Sudan and Yemen
Conflict sensitive engagement in South Sudan: China's role
Support to South Sudan Programme 2012 - 2014
Empowering CSOs in Kosovo to become effective contributors to security policy and decision making processes
Amplifying Youth Voices in Yemen's Transition
Community initiatives for common understanding in Nepal
Contribution to Community Policing and Community Security Programme in South Sudan
Capacities for Peace
Building Foundations for Political Reconciliation in Jubaland (Som VII)
Promoting youth leadership and inter-ethnic collaboration on security provision in Southern Kyrgyzstan
Preventing Radicalization and Violent Extremism Leading to Terrorism through Cross-Border Community Policing in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan
International perspectives and peace and reconciliation in Somalia
SIDA Helpdesk on Human Security (2012-2015)
Supporting and promoting African and global ATT implementation
Promoting Participatory Approaches to Enhancing the Role of Youth in Democratic Engagement in Satkhira
Promoting community-focused responses to insecurity and conflict in border areas of Armenia and Azerbaijan (Years 1-3)
Empowering communities and civil society in eastern parts of Abkhazia to effectively participate in security policy and decision making including other public policy related processess
Promoting and Facilitating China’s Conflict Sensitive Engagement in South Sudan
Preventing diversion of arms and dual-use goods and technologies: cooperation with China
Building Responsive Institutions through Conflict Sensitive Approaches to Development
Promoting people-focused approaches to security provision throughout Kyrgyzstan
Promoting people-focused approaches to security provision throughout Kyrgyzstan
Trialling tools for participatory gender analysis of conflict in Uganda
Securing engagement: Supporting Egyptian efforts to build and maintain momentum on security sector reform in Egypt
Enhancing women's role in peace and security in Yemen
Peaceful, just and inclusive societies: Promoting national action
Linking Preparedness, Response and Resilience in Emergency Contexts
Enhancing Peacebuilding Mechanisms in Yemen
Participatory Governance & Peace Programming in Somalia
Action research on empowering communities through business for peace (B4P)
Preventing and reducing violent conflict and promoting cooperative approaches to security building
Strengthening Community Security and Security Sector Governance in Myanmar
“Not worth a penny” – Preventing extra-judicial killings of urban poor in Nairobi’s settlements
Promoting Sustainable Pastoralism through Improved Rangeland Management Governance in Samburu County, Kenya
Amplifying women’s voices on peace, security and justice in Karamoja
Promoting conflict sensitive land based investments across Karamoja and Northern Uganda
Strengthening Inclusive Development and Equal Access to Resources for Marginalised Citizens in Uganda
Strengthening community security and prevention of violence against women in Tajikistan
Citizen Narrative Campaign
Community Policing Sustainment Tajikistan
Promoting peace and security through the implementation of the Chinese-led Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)
Improving community-based justice in mixed and KNU-controlled areas
Tackling the illicit transfer and diversion of proliferation-sensitive goods and technologies: supporting government outreach and encouraging a culture of compliance among industry
Women's Empowerment and Social Cohesion in Cox's Bazar
Strengthening Community Security and Security Sector Reform/Governance in Myanmar
Promoting Collective Action in Electoral Early Warning and Response (PCA-EWER)
Building Constituencies for Peaceful Change
Making Space for Peacebuilding: Strengthening Participation and Safety of Women Activists and Journalists in South West state and Jubaland, Somalia
Strengthening Civil Society and Authorities to Advance Gender Equality and Women’s Rights in Uzbekistan
Supporting young people’s peacebuilding participation in Kyrgyzstan:
integrating a youth-led mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) approach
Resourcing Change Phase II: Supporting Women’s Rights Organisations (WROs) and women’s networks in Fragile and Conflict Affected States (FCAS)