Action Contre la Faim France

room102 rue de Paris, CS 10007 - 93558 MONTREUIL CEDEX
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  • Total Commitments

  • Total Disbursements

  • Total Expenditures

  • Total Incoming Funds

  • Reaching the Unreached People through WASH Services (RUWPS) in Nuwakot and Rasuwa District IATI

    • date_range Sep 01, 2017 - Dec 31, 2019
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 1,563,566 USD
  • Innovative Actions to Treat Malnutrition in Rakhine IATI

    • date_range Jul 01, 2019 - Jun 30, 2020
    • autorenew Implementation (Status)
    Total Budget 1,689,294 USD