IATI Identifier: ET-CSA-1233-4000005847
Project Goal & Objectives: The overall goal of the REACH project is to ensure women’s and young people’s SRHR/MHM, WASH, and nutrition29 needs are fulfilled in Borena and Jimma Zones of Oromia Region, Ethiopia through integrated programming. The project’s four specific objectives are to: (1) Improve women and young people’s agency through comprehensive and inclusive life skills training and engage them in interventions that improve self-efficacy to access and utilize REACH interventions and services30. (2) Improve schools and surrounding communities’ support for women and young people to demand and use REACH services. (3) Ensure the availability of high-quality REACH services, products, and infrastructures to schools and households in the surrounding communities. (4) Enhance the enabling environment, learning, and scale up of lessons learned to ensure public and community accountability for REACH project initiatives.
more_horizWater supply - large systems
Name | Type | Role |
Netherlands - Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Government | Funding |
Amref Health Africa in Ethiopia | International NGO | Implementing |
Transaction Value |
Receiver |
Type | Date |
1,257,547 USD (Valued at Jun 30, 2023) | Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN) EngenderHealth | Expenditure |
Jun 30, 2023
2,206,291 USD (Valued at Jul 18, 2022) | Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN) EngenderHealth | Incoming Funds |
Jul 18, 2022
7,150,000 USD (Valued at Jun 01, 2022) | Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN) EngenderHealth |
Jun 01, 2022