IATI Identifier:
Nous travaillons a une reponse humanitaire integrale, afin que les populations affectees par des crises alimentaires recurrentes, ainsi que les personnes deplacees, retournees, refugiees, et les populations hotes affectees, aient pleinement droit aux moyens d'existence, a la protection, a l'assistance et a un systeme de gouvernance dans un Etat dedroit qui promeut la justice et la coexistence pacifique.
more_horizSectors not specified
Name | Type | Role |
United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) | Multilateral | Funding |
office of u.s. foreign disaster | Government | Funding |
European Commission - Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection | Other Public Sector | Funding |
agencia espanola de cooperacion. | Government | Funding |
Oxfam Solidarité-Solidariteit | National NGO | Funding |
oxfam quebec | International NGO | Funding |
Oxfam Novib | International NGO | Funding |
Oxfam GB | International NGO | Funding |
oxfam france | International NGO | Funding |
oxfam deutschland | International NGO | Funding |
oxfam canada | International NGO | Funding |
Oxfam Intermón | International NGO | Accountable |
oxfam belgique | International NGO | Implementing |
Organisation Humanitaire et du developpement | National NGO | Implementing |
association solidarites regionales | National NGO | Implementing |
oxfam great britain | International NGO | Implementing |
European Commission - Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development | Other Public Sector | Funding |
Oxfam GB | International NGO | Funding |
Transaction Value |
Receiver |
Type | Date |