IATI Identifier:
The development of Community Risk Maps for targeted municipalities; review of early warning and communication systems in emergency situations integrating the efforts of CCPCs (municipal civil protection committees) and EIC (neighbourhood response brigades) training of beneficiaries including CCPCs in the maintenance and use of established communication systems.
more_horizSectors not specified
Name | Type | Role |
united nations development programme | Government | Funding |
united nations children's fund | Government | Funding |
echo | Government | Funding |
oxfam great britain | International NGO | Funding |
oxfam america | International NGO | Funding |
accion contra el hambre | Private Sector | Funding |
oxfam intermon | International NGO | Accountable |
oxfam great britain | International NGO | Implementing |
Troupe Benezwel | National NGO | Implementing |
The Haitian Initiative Football | National NGO | Implementing |
skn | National NGO | Implementing |
Lycee Jacques 1er | National NGO | Implementing |
Ecole Mixte Action Chretienne | National NGO | Implementing |
Ecole Maranatha | National NGO | Implementing |
Ecole Foyer Nazareth | National NGO | Implementing |
Ecole Communale Corail Cesselesse | National NGO | Implementing |
club sportif velox | National NGO | Implementing |
Cite Scolaire Pere Arthur Volel | National NGO | Implementing |
astt | National NGO | Implementing |
aprosifa | National NGO | Implementing |
aigle brillant | National NGO | Implementing |
aifk | National NGO | Implementing |
action contre la faim | National NGO | Implementing |
Transaction Value |
Receiver |
Type | Date |