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2021/23 Towards Social Cohesion in a Fragile Lebanon (TSL).

IATI Identifier:

Published on IATI
  • date_range Jan 01, 2021 - Dec 31, 2023
  • autorenew Implementation (Status)

By engaging and strengthening Lebanese civil society organizations and selected stakeholders, in the aftermath of the devastating explosion in Beirut on the 4th of August, this project aims at enabling their active participation and leadership in promoting social cohesion, peaceful coexistence 1 , and democratization for a sustainable development of Lebanon, targeting in particular youth and the most vulnerable social groups 2 , including refugee and host communities. The project addresses Objective 2 of the thematic call, Social cohesion and civic space, and will cover the following priority issues according to the Information Note for thematic NGO calls for proposals, “Reducing vulnerabilities for refugees and Lebanese host communities and strengthening Lebanese civil society”: 1) Empowering civil society’s voice in and ability to monitor the political reform process, based on a diverse and broad participation. 2) Promote peaceful co-existence among different groups in society, including refugees and host communities. A focus is engaged on youth, who are perceived as the catalysts of change in Lebanon and who are particularly affected by the political, social, economic, security, and health crises in the country. To promote local leader -and ownership, the project is implemented via partnership with the local civil society organisation Forum for Development, Culture & Dialogue (FDCD) who, in collaboration with various institutions of democratic control and other societal institutions, 3 will target a minimum of 200 members of civil society organisations (CSOs), primarily youth led (change agents), and a minimum of 35 social actors/duty bearers (such as political, community, and religious leaders, private sector actors) who collectively have a potential of reaching approx. 5000 beneficiaries/rights holders. The project will be geographically implemented throughout Lebanon, specifically in the following six areas: Bèqaa Valley, Matin Mountain, Saida, Tripoli, Beirut, Byblos, and in other provinces, and will primarily focus on host communities of refugee camps and communities within these six provinces. Finally, the project includes an innovative capacity building component that pioneers two ways of developing simple rights holder surveys and online baseline studies for real time monitoring and evaluation that can enhance CSOs’ institutional capacity in working with inequalities, advocacy, monitoring, and learning on outcome levels.

  • Democratic participation and civil society

  • Women’s rights organisations and movements, and government institutions

  • Civilian peace-building, conflict prevention and resolution

  • Social Dialogue

Participating Organisations

Denmark - Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government Funding
Danmission National NGO Accountable


Transaction Value Provider
Type Date
Not Available Provider N/A Receiver N/A


925,063 USD
  • 2,000,000 DKK (Valued at Jan 14, 2021)
    date_range Jan 01, 2021 - Dec 31, 2021
  • 2,000,000 DKK (Valued at Jan 01, 2021)
    date_range Jan 01, 2022 - Dec 31, 2022
  • 2,000,000 DKK (Valued at Jan 01, 2023)
    date_range Jan 01, 2023 - Dec 31, 2023
access_time Updated on Sep 15, 2022 11:31:52