IATI Identifier:
Overall, 14 Value Chain Coaches are employed and/or trained. Around 60 Value Chain actors are directly trained by OM4D, mainly in ICS. Around 80 more Value Chain actors are trained during Y3 workshops. Ghana - 2 hired VC coaches are training 14 field officers in 7 communities. The ICS manual has been written and is under review. In total, 23 VC and 2 VC coaches are trained in Ghana. Burkina Faso - 4 VC coaches have been trained and are active. In turn, they are training mainly women in ICS and shea nut quality management. The VC coaches are also training 8 SNV staff in the WEOOG-PANNI project who will, in turn train women groups and processing units in 1 new region (2 more trainings in 2 regions have been postponed due to COVID-19). In total, 4 VC coaches and more than 40 VC actors have been trained. Togo - Solaris hired 1 field agent. With the assistance of OM4D, Solaris is building its own capacity regarding ICS. The first steps towards developing the pineapple VC have been made by using reefer containers and the launch of sea freight. Coop Zio, which is certified organic and faire trade is receiving support in export management. Workshops "Atelier de l'ananas bio" have been called off due to COVID-19. In total, 3 VC coaches and more than 40 VC actors have been trained in Togo. Sao Tome & Principe - 6 VC coaches have been trained in STP. In addition, more than 12 VC actors have also been trained in the country.
more_horizAgricultural development
Name | Type | Role |
Netherlands - Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Government | Funding |
IFOAM - Organics International | International NGO | Accountable |
Agro Eco | International NGO | Implementing |
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Receiver |
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