PROG17-21_05OC1_Strengthening the capacity for research, teaching, policy advice, advocacy and networking of the partners in the field on human and animal health
PROG17-21_06OC1_Contribuer au renforcement de capacités du Centre Maferinyah dans l’organisation de la formation (médicale) continue et la recherche en Guinée
PROG17-21_08OC1_To strengthen the Institute of Tropical Medicine Pedro Kourí (IPK) and the National Institute of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology (INHEM) towards accomplishment of their academic mission through capacity strengthening and scientific co-operation
PROG17-21_09OC1_National Institutes in Cambodia have increased capacity to generate evidence for the management of health problems and for the strengthening of the health system in Cambodia
PROG17-21_07OC1_To strengthen the Institute of Tropical Medicine Alexander von Humboldt (IMTAvH)'s Research and Development (R&D) capacities to deliver strategies and/or tools for diagnosis, surveillance and control of infectious diseases
PROG17-21_03OC1_To strengthen the research capacity related to health in the resource limited setting of Burkina Faso
PROG17-21_04OC1_To enhance the research capacity and evidence based medical practice in tropical and poverty related diseases in Ethiopia
PROG17-21_01OC1_Renforcer les capacités pour la recherche en santé de trois institutions partenaires, l'Institut National de Recherche Biomédicale (INRB), l'École de Santé Publique (ESP) et le Centre de Recherche Sanitaire de Kimpese (CRS)
PROG17-21_11OC1_Academic capacity for health is strengthened through improved quality in education and access to postgraduate education and training
PROG17-21_11OC2_Belgian and global policies for better health are supported through collaborative knowledge production, knowledge management and advocacy
PROG17-21_11OC3_The general public is better informed on tropical medicine and international health topics
PROG17-21_10OC1_Capacity strengthening and enhanced tools for evidence-based health research and control/ elimination strategies of parasitic diseases in Vietnam
PROG17-21_BK_Management costs
PROG17-21_01OC4_Construire de la capacité scientifique et de recherche pour répondre aux maladies emergentes en RDC (COVID-19)
PROG17-21_SK_Structural costs
PROG 2017-2021_ITG-DGD Vierde Raamakkoord – RA4
PROG17-21_02OC1_Renforcement institutionnel de Laboratoire de Référence des Mycobactéries (LRM) pour des services de qualité et l’amélioration des soins de santé de qualité au niveau national et régional, sur les mycobactéries et autres bactéries cliniques
PROG17-21_01OC2_Rationaliser la lutte contre la Trypanosomiase Humaine Africaine (THA) en renforçant les systèmes locaux de santé avec l’appui de tous les partenaires