IATI Identifier:
This initiative will assist 13,254 people living in rural, semi-urban and urban locations who have been economically and socially affected by COVID19, especially women, youth and adolescents, people with disabilities and LGBTIQ+, to establish sustainable and diverse livelihoods and meet their protection needs. This will be achieved by delivering a suite of interventions, based on assessments and analysis, such as capacity building, provision of resources, technical advice, demonstrations, access to longer term financial support, social services like counselling, and ongoing mentoring.
more_horizRelief co-ordination and support services
Name | Type | Role |
Oxfam Australia | International NGO | Implementing |
Transaction Value |
Receiver |
Type | Date |
Not Available | Provider N/A Receiver N/A |
Not Available | Provider N/A Receiver N/A |